Saturday 4 March 2017

Steven Universe Review: “Tiger Philanthropist”

(This review contains spoilers!)

          Remember Tiger Millionaire? Literally the ninth episode of the entire show, one that was only okay at best and only served as a way to get some early solo character development for Amethyst? Well, what if I told you we would get a sequel to that episode...3 seasons and 113 episodes later?

          Hoo boy, this episode wasn’t fun to get through.

          Ever since the StevenBomb ended, Steven Universe has fallen into a serious slump, and Tiger Philanthropist is no exception. It didn’t lie to us like Rocknoldo did, nor did it waste the potential of rarely seen characters like The New Crystal Gems. The biggest problem with Tiger Philanthropist is that it’s an episode based on a storyline unseen since the literal first ten episodes, and it came several years too late.

          What’s the story? Amethyst decides she’s done with wrestling, and Steven quickly loses interest because she’s not there with him, but keeps doing it because Lars is a big fan of his wrestling persona.

          That’s it. This is the same cartoon that brought us Mr. Greg, by the way. It’s become remarkably easy to forget that considering the last few episodes.

          I’m not saying every episode needs to be on the same level as Mr. Greg, but they have to at least try. At no point in Tiger Philanthropist was I interested in what I was seeing, and only finished it because I had to write this review. The ending is exactly what you expect: Amethyst comes back for one last match, and the two of them lose, leaving the wrestling scene behind. Honestly, with how this storyline’s been gone since Season 1 and only returned when Amethyst shapeshifted into Purple Puma for a visual gag, I figured they’d done that long ago.

          Which brings me to my main point: this episode would’ve been fine if it had been sandwiched somewhere in Season 1 or even at some point in Season 2. I guess it’s here because it kind of plays into the results of Amethyst’s Season 3 arc and meeting her family in That Will Be All, but this episode feels out of place even in the filler-driven Season 4 we seem to be trapped in. With the wrestling subplot being missing in action since the ninth episode, bringing it back out of nowhere for the one hundredth and twenty-second episode is just confusing. It’s incredibly hard to believe Steven when he laments that wrestling is “their thing” when they haven’t done it since an episode that aired in 2013.

          And the last thing this episode screws up: Steven is written incredibly poorly. He legitimately feels like the Steven from pre-Mirror Gem Season 1! He whines and complains, exhibiting very little of the awesome character development we’ve seen him go through over the course of the show. It feels like he regressed back for this episode and this episode alone.

          Tiger Philanthropist is an enormous waste of time. Like I said before, this episode would’ve been fine if it’d been placed at some point early on in the show’s lifespan, before the introduction of elements like the Diamonds and Bismuth and Rose’s moral choices. This feels like an episode that was meant to be placed in Season 2, but was shelved and brought back out of development hell just so it could tie into Earthlings and the other recent Amethyst episodes. I’d only recommend watching this episode if you’re a hardcore Steven Universe fan who watches everything the show puts out, and even then it’s only worth seeing if you have nothing better to do.



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