Monday 27 March 2017

Little Witch Academia Episode 12 Review

Freaky Monday
(This review contains spoilers!)

          Have I mentioned that I love spending my Monday mornings watching this show enough? Because Little Witch is magical enough that it can turn even the lousiest early hours into fun ones.

          This week was no exception, as we saw the introduction to the next arc, the Samhain Festival, as well as the continuation of what we first saw last week. We’re quickly approaching the halfway mark for the series, and the Festival seems like the prime opportunity to really shake things up the same was Studio Trigger’s own Kill la Kill used the School Tournament arc midway through the series to change the status quo and introduce Nui.

          While we didn’t see the Festival itself this week, we got the lead-up to it, as well as a bit more character development for both Akko and Diana. The students have all split into teams of three (convenient, considering the characters all come in trios) to perform different tasks in preparation. Diana’s in charge of the whole operation, Amanda and her gang are on cleaning duty, and Akko and friends have been given the great honour of being sacrifices to the Samhain Ghost. Since he’s a ghost they won’t die, but they’ll still get slimed with ectoplasm.

          Of course, Akko is none too happy about getting the short end of the stick, wanting to be the star of the Festival like Chariot was back in her day. She follows Diana, accidentally wandering in a room with an enchanted prankster mirror in it. Sensing her jealousy, the mirror turns her into Diana, leaving her pretending to be her while trying to turn back to normal.

          One of the best parts of the episode is Diana’s voice actress mimicking Akko’s mannerisms. I’m glad they didn’t go for the cheap “body swap but the voices stay the same” trick you see so often in animation (in my opinion that trick is only justifiable if you’re having several people be body swapped and you need to reduce confusion on who’s who), instead making it more fun to hear Diana attempt to sound like Akko. She did a fantastic job, at times even making it sound more like Akko doing a Diana impression than the reverse.

          It was also great to see what a day in Diana’s life is like from Akko’s perspective. I’ve been kind of disappointed that we haven’t seen much from Diana in the series thus far, with them playing up that she’s Akko’s polar opposite more than giving her her own character. It’s almost guaranteed we’ll be seeing her more later on, but I do wish we’d have had more time with her before now.

          Anyways, it’s fun seeing Akko deal with the benefits and disadvantages of being trapped in the form of the school’s top ranking student. She finally gives Diana’s cronies a taste of their own medicine unwittingly, but is also in high demand with the rest of the school preparing for the festival. The transformation doesn’t last long, but it works well to further both the skill and personality gap between Akko and Diana.

          The ending is, as expected from this show, the absolute best part of the episode. Ursula visits Akko while she’s reminiscing on how she isn’t as skilled as Diana, pointing her to visit the Polaris fountain again and telling her to stop trying to be Diana or Chariot and start being Akko. We end on a cliffhanger in the fountain, with Akko declaring she knows what to do.

          With next week being the halfway point, I’m expecting big things from the Samhain Festival (maybe a twist on the Enchanted Parade movie?). This episode was an excellent lead-up to next week, with lots of great character moments and even some setup for what’s coming next.



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