Saturday 11 March 2017

Steven Universe Review: “Room for Ruby”

The most adorable villain
(This review contains spoilers!)

          While Steven Universe hasn’t quite escaped the non-plot storyline rut it seems to be trapped in just yet, Room for Ruby has answered my plea for more gem related episodes and characters. Honestly, I’m just glad that there’s not a town character in sight this week.

          The Ruby Squad is a fun group of characters that I honestly really enjoy seeing every once in a while, even if it’s just one of them. This week Navy (aka the cute one) fireballed back to Earth, telling Steven she wanted to live there. Steven takes her to stay with Peridot and Lapis, and the two of them teach her what life on Earth is like.

          Although the episode is named after Ruby, it’s actually a Lapis episode, and I can’t tell you how glad I am she’s finally getting development after literally an entire season’s worth of episodes out of the spotlight. She’s basically done nothing but sit at the barn for ages, and her character has devolved into basically nothing but reacting accordingly to what’s going on around her. As much as I like her in episodes like Ocean Gem and Same Old World, it’s hard to deny that she’s become little more than Peridot’s sidekick lately.

          Fortunately, this episode swoops in and finally gives her a starring role. Navy immediately falls in love with everything on Earth, leaving Lapis bemused. While we unfortunately didn’t get to see much of it on camera (but it’s okay, we got an entire episode dedicated to Ronaldo complaining instead…), it’s been made clear that she’s had a much harder time adjusting than Peridot did. Seeing Navy enjoy everything so much right off the bat makes her feel like something is wrong with her, as she still is uncertain about Earth.

          One of the best parts of this episode is the animation. All the characters are much more detailed in their expressions this week than they usually are, and it adds a lot to the episode. Navy wouldn’t have been made nearly as lovable without the exaggerated cute eyes and cheeks they gave her, and Lapis was animated more stiffly in stark contrast to her. Even characters who aren’t as prominently featured this week, such as Garnet and Peridot, were animated differently so as to make each of them stand out more than they usually do. I legitimately hope we get to see more of this style, because it really made the episode pop.

          Then, of course, Navy tells Steven that the one thing she misses about Homeworld is her ship, leading Steven to bring her aboard. Of course, she hijacks the thing and speeds off while laughing maniacally. Yes, it’s a pretty predictable twist, but the execution is one of the funniest things Steven has done in a long time. Navy keeps the adorable façade up until the very end, making her evil turn all the more hilarious. Charlene Yi did a great job as Navy as always, and honestly made me hope it won’t be long before we see the Rubies again.

          But that’s not the end of it. The episode closes with a fantastic visual gag courtesy of Garnet. It would ruin it if I spoil it here, so I’ll just say that the entire episode is worth seeing just for the ending alone.

          While Room for Ruby doesn’t have much in terms of overall plot (except for the Gems losing their ship, which I guess is pretty important), it does a lot in terms of character and humour. It’s great to finally see more of Lapis after so long, and the ending is a fantastic bit of both physical and visual humour.



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