Monday 13 March 2017

Little Witch Academia Episode 10 Review

Flight of the Bumblebee
(This review contains spoilers!)

          If anything, Little Witch has been a consistently cute and entertaining show week after week. While there’s still no sign of an overarching plot, every week is just so delightful that I honestly don’t care. This week felt that way for me, even if it did miss a few beats and repeated a few things we’d seen before.

          Andrew is hosting a party at his manor, and Akko decides to attend because Diana is going. Meanwhile, Sucy’s gotten her hands on something called a fallin lovelove bee, which makes whoever it stings fall in love with the first person they see. I’m sure you can guess what happens.

          During the party Sucy lets the bee loose, and everyone starts falling in love. Andrew and Diana fall for Akko, Lotte gets herself a bunch of suitors, so on and so forth. While it’s cute, it does get a little long in the tooth and ultimately this episode doesn’t propel the characters much further in their development.

          Most of the episode is spent watching Akko chase after the bee to try and break the spell by swatting it, giving us a very fun chase sequence while Andrew plays “Flight of the Bumblebee” on piano to accompany it. The animation is stellar as always, with many more hilarious Akko expressions to be used as reaction faces later.

          My biggest gripe with this episode though is that it feels kind of like déjà vu in a few ways. The party scenario feels a little too similar to Andrew’s first episode, despite that one taking place at Luna Nova and this one at his manor. I want to see this guy in more scenarios aside from “fancy dinner”. And secondly, the whole love potion thing has really been done to death. On one hand it’s kind of fun to pair up characters for an episode that normally can’t stand each other, but it quickly grows annoying when we go through the same old storyline of the person who’s cursed becomes way too attached and the other guy needs to switch them back to normal and so on and so forth. We’ve seen this story in countless books and cartoons and movies before that it’s become a trope I really want to see retired.

          We do get a little bit of development for Andrew, that being he disagrees with his controlling father on many things, including his talent on playing the piano. It isn’t much, but I like that he’s more than just a gender swap of Diana. I hope he starts making more appearances, because he’s a potentially interesting character.

          It really is saying something that Little Witch can take what would’ve been a really weak plot in most other anime and still make it enjoyable to watch. Yes, I would’ve preferred if we’d done something other than the tired love potion plot and yes, this episode did feel somewhat skippable, but it’s still fun and worth seeing if you’ve been enjoying the show.



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