Saturday 25 March 2017

Star Wars Saturday: Why does everyone love Boba Fett?

Why does everyone love Boba Fett?

          The original trilogy is full of iconic characters that people recognize just as much today as they did when the movies first came out. Characters like Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Yoda, Chewbacca and R2-D2 have become so massive that even people who’ve never seen a Star Wars movie know who they are.

          But there’s one character that is regarded by many as being on the same level as these characters and others by being a massively overrated plot point. This is, of course, Boba Fett.

          Boba Fett first appeared in what everyone unanimously considers to be the absolute pinnacle of Star Wars entertainment: The Star Wars Holiday Special. Fett debuts in a cartoon midway through the Special where he first claims to want to help Luke and friends before ultimately revealing his allegiance to Vader and the Empire and…just kind of leaving. The Holiday Special never really makes much sense, to be honest.

          Fett’s first proper Star Wars appearance outside of comics and disastrous Christmas specials was, of course, his role in Empire Strikes Back. He was included as a sort of foil for Han the same way Vader is a foil for Luke. The thing about him in Empire is that he earns a grand total of six minutes and thirty-two seconds of screentime, alongside only five lines. Similarly, in Return of the Jedi he is only in the opening Jabba’s Palace scenes, gets zero lines aside from a scream, and dies in the most ridiculously over-the-top way possible.

          Honestly, Boba Fett is a little more than a glorified background character in the Original Trilogy. So how’d he become one of the most popular characters outside of the movies?

          I’ve always figured a lot of it is thanks to his character design. Just as Vader’s suit and the Stormtrooper armor have iconic designs recognizable anywhere, the Boba Fett helmet is so famous that everyone knows it. He’s also the only character in the Original Trilogy that uses an awesome jetpack, and the design of his ship, the Slave I, is one of the most original in the entire saga.

          So is that it? Do people love this guy because he has a cool armor design and ship? This doesn’t excuse non-existent character development.

          Well, actually it kind of did. Another reason why people seem to love Boba is because he didn’t really have a defining character in the originals. He’s a blank slate, a mysteriously quiet character free to build and expand on. All we know for sure about him is that he’s the best bounty hunter in the business, one that, according to Vader, is pretty adept at disintegrating his victims. Boba Fett is cool the same way Darth Maul is cool: they’re badass, but they don’t go around tooting their own horn. While characters like Vader or Kylo Ren are great villains because of their intense power and connections to the main characters, Boba Fett is cool because he manages to be intimidating when you know absolutely nothing about the guy.

          This mystery led Expanded Universe authors to come by the droves to write the next chapter in Fett’s storyline. There have been countless stories about what happened to Boba in between the Prequel and Original Trilogies, plus what happened after he inevitably escaped the Pit of Carkoon after Return of the Jedi. There are so many stories about him that his Legends Canon page on Wookieepedia makes C-3PO’s look paltry by comparison. He’s also made frequent appearances in the new canon as well, especially featuring in a major arc of the comics. While he’s not out of the sarlacc pit just yet, even Lucasfilm has admitted that it’s only a matter of time before some author writes him out of there.

          Boba Fett is such an enigma in so many ways. For a character with barely any screentime compared to other major figures in the Star Wars saga to grow to such enormous popularity is something I doubt anyone working on the films ever expected. I personally like him and his design, although I don’t prefer him to some of the more interesting villains from the series. I’m really looking forward to seeing how the Star Wars braintrust incorporates him into the new canon and whether he’ll survive to see the rise of the First Order. I personally would like to see an Anthology film about his reaction to how the galaxy changed without him while he was trapped in the sarlacc pit, as I’ve mentioned before. Whether they go with my idea or not, I’m sure we’ll see more of everyone’s favourite Mandalorian before long.


          As Star Wars Celebration draws ever closer, we’ve been getting tidbits of information from Disney as to what they’re planning next for their movies. This week we got a little bit of news about what we’ll be seeing in the still-unnamed Han Solo movie. According to Disney CEO Bob Iger, we’ll be seeing how Han got the Falcon, how he met Chewie, and even…how he got his name!?

          Yes, apparently we’ve all been duped for forty years, and Han Solo’s name isn’t actually Han Solo. What his real name is or why he changed it is something we’ll probably have to wait until 2018 to find out, but it’s fun to speculate on. I’m personally hoping that it turns out he was secretly Jar Jar Binks all this time.

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