Thursday 9 March 2017

Koro-Sensei Quest Review (Full Show)

The Coke Zero of anime spinoffs
(This review contains minor spoilers!)

          I love Assassination Classroom. Despite only watching it all the way through last December, I quickly fell in love with the world, the characters, the humour, and how it somehow managed to take itself seriously while at the same time not taking itself seriously in the slightest, if that makes any sense.

          So when I heard there was going to be a short-form spinoff about the characters in a Dragon Quest-style setting, I was excited! The humour was always the best part of the original series, especially from the goofy octopus teacher Koro-Sensei, whom this series is named after.

          I was disappointed to find that Koro-Sensei Quest turned out to be little more than a one-trick pony of a series, giving episode after episode of jokes that felt like they came out of the rejects bin in the writer’s room for the main series.

          The premise is identical to that of the series it’s based on: Koro-Sensei, the previously mentioned goofy yellow octopus monster, has decided he wants to teach a group of underachievers how to succeed in life, all the while the government is trying their hardest to take him down. Only here, everything is given a fantasy makeover, and Koro-Sensei is recast as the “Big Bad” of this world that the classroom has to defeat to claim his treasure.

          It’s a fun premise…that unfortunately is basically thrown out the window partway through, only picked up again when the show feels like it. Entire episodes go by without referencing the fantasy twist whatsoever, just making it feel like a really bad episode of Assassination Classroom with a chibi art style. Once all the characters have been introduced, the show just kind of coasts its way to the finish line, not certain what it really wants to do. It wants to be a jokey fantasy spinoff of the main series that relies more on humour, but it also seems to want to copy the main series in creating an actual story around it.

          Which brings me to my next point: the episodes are too short for the story they’re trying to create, but they’re way too long for a short form parody anime. Each episode of Koro-Q clocks in at ten minutes, which is at least five more than they deserve. Think of other comedy spinoffs of major anime: stuff like Fullmetal 4-Koma Theatre and Re:Zero Break Time. Those two have episodes around two minutes long each, and they’re funnier for it. The shorter run time allows them to build up and crack their jokes quickly and easily, without the waiting around Koro-Q is stuck doing while it waits for the next funny bit to come along.

          So the episodes are too long and the premise is a mess. Are the jokes any good? Well, I’d be lying if I said they were all terrible. There are a few good running gags throughout with a decent payoff at the end and a couple of the episodes that directly lampooned ones from the main series did get a chuckle or two out of me. But seriously, these examples are few and far between. Most viewings of Koro-Q by me were silent screenings, as literally every single one of the jokes fell flat.

          This is thanks to, as I said earlier, the fact that all the jokes felt like rejects of the main series. By that I mean that the writers seemed to only want to go for low-hanging fruit over and over again, literally until the very end. There’s only so many times you can hear “har har the girls are upset that the boys are creeps” or “lol lol lol Nagisa looks like a girl” before you get extremely sick of it. And that’s literally all Koro-Q has up its sleeves! The same jokes repeated ad-nauseam until they stop.

          While Koro-Sensei Quest has its moments here and there, the foundations of this series might as well be made with bendy straws. The premise gets lost halfway through, the episodes are far longer than they need to be, and worst of all the jokes just aren’t funny. I’d only recommend this anime to a huge Assassination Classroom fan that really truly wants to see everything the franchise has to offer. For anyone else, I’d just watch the actual show again instead.



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