Sunday 22 April 2018


Starting from today (April 22 2018) and until further notice many of this blog's regular features will be on a hiatus.

This is being done for two reasons.

One: A lot of personal stuff is happening right now and I need a clear headspace to manage it.

Two: I have been feeling burnt out on writing for the blog lately and feel that I need a break to rekindle the passion I had for writing it in the first place.

I have a Star Wars Wednesday prepared for this coming week and hopefully this will all have blown over by the time the next one rolls around, but I may have to bump the May the 4th special back a week.

I will also try my best to continue my Timeless review series if only because I love the show and want to spread the word of it as much as I can. They may be restricted to tweets only, but I'll see what I can do.

The Crossing reviews and Behind the Screens didn't turn out the way I was hoping, so those won't be returning. I'm also iffy on Shield reviews returning, but we'll see.

Gaming editorials will likely return at a later date when there is less going on in my life and I have fresh new ideas on what to talk about.

I also want reviews for God of War and Avengers: Infinity War up A.S.A.P, so I'll try to squeeze those in sometime during my break.

Sorry for any inconvenience and I hope to see you soon.

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