Sunday 1 April 2018

Editorial: Top 5 Characters who will DEFINITELY be in Smash 5 (April Fools 2018)

Top 5 Characters who will DEFINITELY be in Smash 5

          As at least 2 of you know, the new Smash Bros. for Nintendo Switch is on the way, and that means it’s time for character speculation. But lucky for me, I know for sure five brand new characters that are definitely going to make it into the game!

          Recently Nintendo’s been a huge pusher of small indie titles, and you can’t get an indie title smaller than Skyrim. I definitely think we’ll be seeing The Dragonborn make it into Smash, but I do have to wonder if any of the casual crowd will even recognize them.

          It’s such a hidden gem of a game that people will probably be like “What? Who’s this?” at first before they finally discover how great this little-known classic really is. It also helps that Skyrim was one of the games featured in the Switch announcement trailer, so that just makes it all the more likely.

          Assist Trophies have been a major part of Smash’s item roster since Brawl, and last game we got our first example of a character getting promoted from Assist Trophy to playable with Little Mac. I think we’ll be seeing this happen again with the new game, specifically with a character people have been wanting in Smash for years…

          That’s right, The Legendary Starfy is gonna be playable! We all adored the hit DS classic, and now it’s his time to shine in the fighting arena!

          Alright, this one is more speculation than anything, but hear me out. While watching the trailer for the millionth time I noticed something I hadn’t spotted before, and I think it’s teasing one of the new characters.

          When you see the lineup of characters in front of the logo, look closely and you can see the Inklings from Splatoon standing in the foreground. 

          Could this mean they’re going to make it into the game? Only time will tell.

          Nintendo listens to what the fans want for Smash, and sometimes they even add a character based on that. Both Sonic and Bayonetta only made it into the game because of fan demand, and I think we’ll see this happen again with a much-hyped character.

          Take one look at the Splatoon 2 community posts, and what do you see?


          Okay, so remember how I said that the Dragonborn had a good chance because of how Skyrim was one of the games featured in the Switch announcement trailer? Well, there was another non-Nintendo game in that trailer that I think is finally going to make it into the game…

          That’s right, NBA Playgrounds! And that means that none other than Charles Barkley is going to dribble his way into Smash this holiday season. 

          I’ve even heard rumours that the dev team are so excited to have Barkley in the game that they’ll be redesigning fan-favourite stage Final Destination to closer resemble a basketball court.

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