Tuesday 17 April 2018

The Crossing Review: “Pax Americana”

Like butter scraped over too much bread
(This review contains spoilers!)

          I had high hopes for this show, but…man, this episode was not good. While I enjoyed last week, I’ve found myself not looking forward to new episodes nearly as much as some of the other new shows I’ve started recently. And after this, I have my doubts I’ll be back for more.

          I think Oprah may have had a hand in writing this episode, because they were giving out subplots like cash and prizes this week. You get a subplot! You get a subplot! EVERYBODY GETS A SUBPLOT!

          Of course, this quickly turned out to be a disaster. Keep in mind we’re only on the third episode of this series, and considering the show has spent the most of it’s time so far building up the world and mystery of the Apex, we still don’t know too much about the lead characters.

          What do we know about Sheriff Jude? He loves his son and is here because of some unknown incident. What do we know about Apex lady? She wants her daughter back. What do we know about the FBI agent? Diddly squat. When starting a new TV show, the most important characters to focus on are the main leads, because they’ll likely be the backbone of your show should it continue for a second, third or even fourth season. There’s a reason why, despite the introduction of several new characters, the original five leads remain the fan-favourite characters in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. We got an entire season dedicated to them working together, building character and relationships and learning about what kind of people they were before new characters were introduced into the mix.

          Here, even minor characters are given entire scenes, and we’re only on the third episode! Having an ensemble cast is one thing, but even ensemble casts have core leads that are more important than the others. Right now the show should focus on three characters: Sheriff Jude, the FBI agent, and the Apex lady. Let the rest of the characters be a part of their storylines instead of having a bunch of individual stories running around, leaving it hard to keep track of who’s who and where everyone is.

          A show like this only has 44 minutes to get us invested and give us all the information needed to understand where the characters are right now and where the story is going. This episode feels like 44 minutes of absolutely nothing happening, because when you try to learn about everybody, you end up learning about nobody. Sheriff Jude is clearly meant to be the main lead, but I know extremely little about him. Is he a good sheriff? Does he interact with people in the town or is he more of a loner? How long has he had this job? Do the people like him? Is he more of a goofball that only gets serious while on the job or is he all business all the time? I have no idea. Having an implied backstory doesn’t create a deep character.

          I don’t know if I’ll give The Crossing one last try or not, but this was really hard to get through. I guess this is one of those shows where they came up with the concept first but couldn’t really build a story around it.



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