Monday 9 April 2018

Timeless Review: “The Salem Witch Hunt”

Sick burns
(This review contains spoilers!)

          Man, I’m so gonna miss this show when the season’s over.

          Timeless continued its seemingly non-stop winning streak with a trip to Salem this time, with Flynn along for the ride as Wyatt is…busy with other things. Of course, going to a village full of crazy people isn’t really the best idea, and things quickly to awry for the team as they always seem to.

          First off, the elephant in the room: Wyatt’s dead wife is back, and she’s none too happy that he’s been gone for two months. So unhappy that she’s filed for divorce. Wyatt decides to make things right by doing something incredibly silly: he shows her around the base!

          I’m sticking to my guns from the last episode that his wife is Rittenhouse, especially considering her seeing all the Mason stuff was such a big deal. But, to their credits, there’s still a chance that her coming back was just an accident. We know that Rittenhouse made a secret trip to 1980, but we don’t know what they did there. Maybe the wife is Rittenhouse and they were deliberately trying to bring her back, or maybe they were doing something else and this is just collateral damage to the timeline. I honestly can’t wait to find out what’s going on here.

          We also got a bit of further development of Jiya’s premonitions as she finally told Rufus what was going on, and that he killed a Pilgrim-looking guy in one of her visions. Another thing I loved about this episode is the resolution of this subplot. Rufus knows going in that he doesn’t want to kill anybody, so when they come across the exact Pilgrim Jiya described, they immediately go after him and assume he’s Rittenhouse. He turns out to be okay, but because they attacked him he confronts Rufus later on and dies as a result. If Rufus had never known that he was a potential problem, that guy would never have died, and Jiya’s vision wouldn’t have come true. Talk about some awesome writing, and again, I can’t wait to see how this subplot ends up.

          And those weren’t even the best part of the episode! That honour goes to Flynn, who’s madcap adventure through Salem was both hilarious and kinda dark. With Wyatt busy he has to go alongside them, and it doesn’t take long before he’s back to his old ways of shooting his way through problems. His more extreme methods were really fun to watch contrasted with Lucy and Rufus’ more pacifistic ways of getting information. I also found it great how the only way they were getting out of the hanging situation was with Flynn showing up and taking out the judges. Sometimes the best defense really is offense, I suppose.

          And, as always, the set and costuming design was on point this episode. Without fail Timeless always manages to truly bring you to the period they’re travelling to every week, never once breaking immersion. It’s always a true sight to behold, and the various designers working on the show really deserve special recognition.

          Seriously, more people need to watch this show. It’s unbelievably consistent with its writing, visuals, story and surprises, and it’s easily the show I look forward to watching the most week after week. This episode was no exception, blending great action and adventure with lots of awesome teases of surprises brewing for later.




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