Saturday 21 April 2018

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Review: “All Roads Lead…”

All roads lead to a better show (I hope)
(This review contains spoilers!)

          I miss looking forward to S.H.I.E.L.D. Honestly. I miss eagerly anticipating Tuesday nights, counting down the days, predicting where the season would go next only to be blindsided by an amazing twist, and getting a little nugget of the MCU from the comfort of my home weekly.

          Nowadays I’m only still watching the show out of obligation, and if they do get cancelled I want to be able to say I was there from premiere to finale. This season has been a bad one, at least for me. But judging by the fact that no one aside from the Coulson/May pairing fans and tweenage fangirls only here for Dove Cameron (“She deserves an Emmy for playing Ruby!” said one intrepid fan. I respectfully disagree.) seems to be tweeting about the show, I think S.H.I.E.L.D will be joining Agent Carter and (let’s be honest here) Inhumans in the graveyard of fallen MCU TV properties when the season is through.

          So…where to begin?

          Fitz and Simmons are finishing up work on the super soldier pod for Ruby, all the while she “torments” and “threatens” them for working too slowly. I put those in quotations because honestly her threats came across as ways that would impede their progress even more than something actually worrying.

          Besides, Fitz and Simmons are apparently invincible, so I have no reason to care.

          Meanwhile, Daisy is finally stepping up as leader, taking May on a mission to infiltrate the HYDRA base and…do…a thing. I’m actually not sure what they were trying to accomplish by doing that.

          But they manage to run off with Hale and are led to where Ruby and Strucker are keeping Fitz and Simmons.

          And while all that is happening, Coulson, Mack and Deke spend their day discussing women and lemons. Also Talbot is insane and tried to kidnap Robin. So that was fun.

          The good news is that this episode has a great ending: Ruby is dead! Praise the lord! She was honestly some of, if not the worst characters this show has ever seen. At no point watching the first four seasons did I think “This is good, but you know what it needs? A whiny tweenage bad girl straight out of some kid’s fanfiction who spouts lines like ‘I wanted to be you, but now I want to beat you’ or ‘I ship it’. I think that’d really improve it.” Especially after this show created such deep and compelling villains with complex motives, like Hive or especially Aida. Ruby just felt like flat, fluffy nothingness only there to get some extra views from her Disney Channel-age fanbase to try and give the show one last boost to try to keep it alive.

          Also Strucker’s dead too. Oh well.

          You know, I wonder if anything else is going to happen in the MCU before next week’s episode airs…

          Oh well, even if there is, I’m sure they’ll just completely ignore it.



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