Monday 16 April 2018

Timeless Review: “The Kennedy Curse”

Get down, Mr. President!
(This review contains spoilers!)

          I gotta say, it’s unusual to have an episode of Timeless that 99% takes place in modern day. It’s a fun departure from the norm, but it is kinda weird to see Lucy and Wyatt adventuring out in the present.

          An incident in the past has led to Wyatt and Rufus bringing young JFK back to the present. He quickly figures out something’s up and makes a run for it, and the chase is on. Wyatt is sent out to be joined by Lucy and Jessica, while Agent Christopher goes to look elsewhere.

          This episode is clearly meant to center around the growing tension between Lucy and Jessica, something we only got hints at last week while the rest of them were in Salem. I’m still of the mind that Jessica is Rittenhouse, seeing as they’re pretty clearly setting up a relationship between Lucy and Wyatt, but they’re laying some smart groundwork leading to some strain in their relationship.

          I also really enjoyed the actor playing young JFK. Timeless has a knack for finding people that embody the historical figures they’re playing pretty darn well, and this guy was no exception. He felt like what you’d think a young JFK would act like, even one whose reality has been torn to shreds.

          Agent Christopher’s short subplot was also pretty interesting. She was captured by Rittenhouse and offered protection for her family by Lucy’s mother in exchange for preventing Lucy on going on any more missions. The mom character has been a really interesting one this season. Torn between what’s best for Lucy and what’s best for Rittenhouse, her actions to try to protect her daughter while still getting stuff done for the organization has been very interesting to watch, even more so after seeing the preview for what’s going on next week.

          There really isn’t too much to say about this episode. It’s just a really solid one-off adventure that gives a lot of development for Lucy and Wyatt’s relationship. I really loved the last scene of Lucy and Flynn sitting together and just quietly watching an old-timey movie. It’s small touches like that that makes this show as good as it is.



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