Tuesday 10 April 2018

The Crossing Review: “A Shadow Out of Time”

The lady who couldn’t sit still
(This review contains spoilers!)

          I’ve reached a point in my TV show-watching career where I’m able to point out sets I’ve seen before on other shows. Last week I spied a staircase used to film a scene in the Timeless finale, and this week several scenes took place in areas that Once Upon a Time shot in. This isn’t a slight against the show, just a funny thing I noticed that probably means I should get out more.

          This was another really good episode of The Crossing. I think the writers definitely know they’re sitting on a very exciting concept, and they’re doing everything in their power to get us invested in the world of the show and what’s going on. This week introduced us to the disease that Apex created to wipe out the humans in the far future, as well as give us more background to Jude and Reese.

          Picking up where last week left off, Reese is demanding to be brought to Leah, but Jude isn’t super keen on taking her there on the grounds that he doesn’t want to get involved in another conspiracy. We still don’t know what exactly happened to bring him to this town, but they definitely imply that whatever happened was enough to mess up his marriage and send him out to the middle of nowhere for good.

Meanwhile, we got to see a bit more of what the future is like and how Reese and Leah got together. Reese found her as a baby and raised her as her own, even though it was illegal for an Apex to raise a normal human. Leah then got the mysterious sickness created by the Apex to wipe out humanity, leading Reese to keep her alive using her enhanced blood. This is why the two of them are so desperate to need to get back together.

          And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. We also learned more about the government guy this week, who turned out to be the leader of an anti-Apex resistance who travelled to the past to prevent them from ever rising up. He answers to a mysterious female superior who’s face we didn’t get to see, definitely implying she’s someone we’ve already met. We didn’t get too much of this plotline this week, but enough to get me intrigued.

          The one thing we didn’t find much about that I really would’ve liked more of is Emma, the FBI agent in charge of the case. I couldn’t tell you anything about her character right now except that she’s a typical government lady. I know more about some of the secondary characters than I do her. I really hope that next week we get a bit more background on her.

            This is a very strong episode that does a great job at developing Jude and Reese more while still giving enough additions to the overall mystery of the show to keep viewers invested in the arching plot. I do wish we saw more of Emma, who is still little more than a blank slate, but the development we got for the other two leads more than made up for it.



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