Saturday 14 April 2018

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Review: “The Honeymoon”

(This review contains spoilers!)

          I have to say, this episode was one of the most fun to watch all season. Not because it was good, though. It was pretty darn terrible. But much like the infamous premiere of Inhumans, it was one of those things that was so awful that it became hilarious.

          Let me start by talking about what I liked in the episode. I thought that Deke had some funny lines toward the end, and the last scene had a pretty great twist in it.

          Yeah, that’s about everything.

          I knew we were in for a rough ride when one of the first lines in the episode was “I wanted to be you, but now I just want to beat you.” I would like to congratulate the third grader that wrote that on getting a job on an ABC show. It’s not often people their age get jobs on big networks.

          Things continued to get weird as bright flashes of white began to happen throughout the episode, apparently trying to blind the audience to save them from watching this trash. I guess it was to show flashbacks, but the intro and exiting flashes of white were so distracting that you didn’t even pick up what the flashbacks were even supposed to be about.

          This episode also really felt like nothing of consequence happened in it. Fitz, Simmons and Yo-Yo went to get a thing, they didn’t, and they got captured. Deke was shot and had to get fixed, and he did. So entertaining.

          We also got to see the continuation of one of this season’s most epic fights: Ruby and Werner as they square off against each other in the battle of Overacting vs. Underacting. As Ruby tries to act sinister and evil so much that she quickly goes waaaaaay over the top, Werner spends the episode with a look in his eyes that screams “I get my paycheck after this, I get my paycheck after this”.

          Speaking of Ruby, she’s still not a compelling villain by any means. Man, I miss Aida.

          The only reason I’m still watching this show is that I feel committed to see it through at this point. Season 5 is almost certainly going to turn out to be the farewell season, and I want to be able to say I saw the entire show from start to finish. But if they do turn out to get renewed, I doubt I’ll be able to sit through more of this to earn those bragging rights.



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