Saturday 18 November 2017

Girls’ Last Tour Episode 7 Review

The baking episode
(This review contains spoilers!)

          It continually impresses me how this show continues to take the post-apocalypse genre and leave it in the dust week after week. Since we’re just past the halfway point with this anime most other shows would take this time to start setting up the ending, create conflict between the leads, and drive home the implications of the hopeless situation the characters are in.

          Instead, this week Chi and Yuu made bread.

          This episode is delightfully simplistic. It consists of one segment again, as Chi and Yuu follow the path Ishii mapped out for them last week to find more potatoes. They succeed, but discover a way to turn the potatoes into rations. That’s all we get, but it’s a complete joy.

          Just as with other great slice-of-life anime, there’s something captivating about just sitting back and enjoying the fun and happy simplicity unfolding in front of you. While I’m always a fan of unfolding mysteries and lore (and I’m still hoping we learn more about the city’s origins before the season ends), this episode might’ve been my favourite so far.

          It was also one of the funniest episodes we’ve seen yet. I loved the running gag early on with Chi’s solution to using rope so they wouldn’t fall off the pipe, only for her to admit it was basically useless shortly after. Even better was Yuu continuing to mess with Chi, and Chi fighting back in retaliation. The animators make great use of all the comedic possibilities they can with the squishy and stretchy animation on the characters’ faces, creating lots of cute and funny moments.

          There really isn’t much else to say. This show continues to be a highlight of the week for me with its cheerful atmosphere despite a bleak setting and delightful characters doing fun things.



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