Thursday 23 November 2017

Chill Chat: Survivor: Heroes v. Healers v. Hustlers Halfway Point Predictions

Survivor: Heroes v. Healers v. Hustlers Halfway Point Predictions
(This article contains spoilers!)

          Even though I’m a huge fan of Survivor, I haven’t really touched on it in this blog until now. It’s kind of impossible to review a show where the producers only have control of how it’s presented instead of the content itself. But now that I’ve created Chill Chat to open up opportunities to talk about whatever I want, it’s time to give my thoughts on the latest season!

          So we’ve reached the halfway point of Heroes v. Healers v. Hustlers. 9 people remain, and 9 have been voted out. Overall I’ve found this season to be…good. Not great like Millennials vs Gen X was, but not bad like Game Changers was. While that could change over the next few weeks, I’m satisfied with how this season’s played out thus far. My one big gripe is that we’ve hit a bit of a slow point recently. Ben’s super-alliance has left both the Heroes and the Hustlers comfortable since the Merge, and now 3 of the straggling Healers have gone home in a row. While I don’t think that big moves are the name of the game of Survivor, they definitely spice things up a bit when used here and there, and this season needs one sooner than later.

I’ll be going into more detail with my thoughts on the entire season overall after the final episode airs, but for now, here’s my thoughts on the current cast and where I think they’re going to go next.

          Let’s start with Ben, since he’s been at the forefront of attention for two episodes in a row now. I like Ben a lot as a person. The scene early on with him dealing with PTSD and reminiscing on his time in the Marines was a top-tier Survivor moment. But his skill as a player seriously concerns me. As we saw with last night’s episode he was laser-focused on getting Cole out of the game (a smart move considering Cole was a massive challenge threat), but to a point where several of his alliance-mates were calling his leadership dictator-like. When confronted by Ashley and Chrissy and asked to consider taking Joe down before Cole, Ben put his foot down and refused to budge for even a second.

          If Ben keeps this up, he’s a goner for sure. Big alliances always break on Survivor. They kinda have to, considering there can be only two to three people at the ending. Considering Ben is also good at challenges, I wouldn’t be surprised if one of the ladies pull off a coup and take the leader down before it’s too late.

          On the other hand, we have Joe. Clearly taking inspiration from Tony of Survivor: Cagayan and one episode of Survivor: Game Changers fame, Joe’s entire strategy seems to cause mayhem and chaos wherever he goes. This hasn’t earned him much goodwill from his tribemates, but he’s still here, so that’s gotta count for something.

          The big issue with Joe is that even if he makes it to the end, I’m not sure if he has enough goodwill on the jury to give him enough votes to get the million. Ben, Chrissy and Ashley have all been very public about their dislike for Joe, so one has to wonder if he can come out on top when there are two other options for the jury to choose from.

          And then there’s Ryan. We haven’t seen too much of Ryan since the Merge, but there’s a definite concern that he’s played his entire deck way too soon. Ryan’s given us a lot of bluster about how good his social game is, which he demonstrated in the Pre-Merge with getting rid of Roark and Ali. But ever since the Merge happened, all he’s done is get himself an idol…and then tell Ben about it for some reason.

          Loose lips sink ships, and I think Ryan’s desperate need to be a valuable player might be his undoing. Devon’s already starting to show signs of losing trust in Ryan after Ben revealed that Ryan told him about the idol, so that might take him down in the end.

          Speaking of Devon, let’s talk about him. Right now he’s one of the main players that I can see winning in the end. He has plenty of friends on the tribe, including players from all 3 starting tribes. This gives him plenty of opportunities to play the way he wants, taking different alliances and partners to get himself in the best position to make it to the end. He also knows about Ryan’s idol, potentially the last one in the season, which is a huge advantage over everyone else. Whether he’ll capitalize on that or not remains to be seen, but regardless he’s in a great position right now.

          The last core member of Ryan’s alliance is Chrissy, and while she had a good opening few episodes, I can’t help but think she’s toast. She seems way too cocky to go much further, especially since the merge. She was blatantly trying to talk strategy to Ben while enjoying some Chocolate Thunder from Down Under courtesy of Outback Steakhouse, loud enough for everyone to hear. She also blatantly talked about the idol clue right in front of Cole, who she didn’t know had also seen it. Again, loose lips sink ships.

          I do think she’s got a lot going for her, including plenty of smarts and access to the most realistic fake idol Survivor has ever seen, but if she doesn’t learn to keep quiet when her enemies are around, she might just accidentally blow her game to smithereens.

          Moving onto Lauren, she’s an interesting case. A surprisingly strong player in the pre-merge, she’s quickly won fans, including myself, over with her no-nonsense attitude and sharp wit. I can definitely see her pulling off some strategic moves later on down the line, and considering she hasn’t made too many enemies yet she’s another player I can conceivably see winning the game.

          There’s also the secret advantage in play, allowing her to use an extra vote whenever she needs it. If used correctly, she can change the dynamics of the tribe in a single Tribal Council, especially in the case of a tie.

          JP and Ashley are also players on this season.

          And last but not least, Dr. Mike. Dr. Mike is another player I really enjoy as a person, but I’ve seriously got to question his strategy, especially after last night’s episode. Whereas he could’ve used his idol to save Cole and keep the Healers strong at 3 while taking out Ben, instead he tried some insane strategy that involved trying to get everyone to vote for him instead at Tribal, then playing the idol for himself, and then still voting for Cole. What!? There’s so many things wrong with that strategy that it isn’t even funny.

          So those are all the players. Overall I think that they’re a decent group. Nowhere near as interesting and fun as the Millennials vs Gen X crew, but an entertaining bunch regardless. We have quite a few players with a high chance of winning as well as several no-hopers, so to close us off I’ve put together a tier list of my predictions of who’s gonna take home the gold.

High Chance: Devon, Lauren
Mid Chance: Ryan, Ben, Chrissy, Dr. Mike
Low Chance: Joe
No Chance: JP, Ashley

          I’ll be back to talk about the season as a whole after it ends in a few weeks, so I’ll see you then!

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