Sunday 12 November 2017

Girls’ Last Tour Episode 6 Review

Hopeless, hopeless, hopeless
(This review contains spoilers!)

          Girls’ Last Tour tried something a little more different this week: another one-segment episode featuring a new one-off character the girls help out, as well as having most of the episode take place in a rather slow-moving montage.

          As always, it was a success, although I felt myself a little more disinterested than usual thanks to the lack of necessary dialogue to follow.

          The jalopy has broken down, but thankfully there’s a mechanic nearby to fix it. Her name is Ishii, and she is trying to escape the city via airplane. Chi and Yuu agree to help her build the plane in exchange for fixing the car, and them working together take up the majority of the episode.

          Most of the episode is spent in a musical montage. Beautiful operatic music that we’ve heard a few times before in the series plays in the background as they repair the plane. It’s not the most engaging thing in the world, but it sure is relaxing to watch. Things start to get a bit grimmer towards the end, but as is the norm for this show, it all ends in a pretty cushy and cheerful way, but not without some darker overtones.

          So yeah, not the most eventful episode overall. It’s definitely worth seeing for how cute and relaxing it is, but it does nothing for the overall building story of discovering what’s up with this crazy city and where everyone went.



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