Tuesday 18 October 2016

Timeless Review: “Atomic City”

The inconsequential episode
(This review contains spoilers!)

          This episode only seems to exist to set up what’s going to happen next week, where we apparently go to Nazi Germany to stop Flynn from giving an A-bomb to the Nazis. That looks interesting. Unfortunately, this episode seems to have fallen by the wayside, giving us a lot of exposition and falling short on interesting character or plot development.

          This week we travelled back to 1960’s era Las Vegas, featuring such colourful characters as the back of Frank Sinatra’s head. The one we spend the most time with is JFK’s mistress, who’s about as interesting as a plank of wood. She feels like the same character we’ve seen before in a million other shows and movies: the seductive agent who isn’t afraid to use her body to get what she wants. She’s extremely boring, and you forget her as soon as the episode ends.

          Thankfully, our main characters have a little more nuggets of information added to the larger puzzle. The professor who got kidnapped in the first episode is actually working for the villain, and our main soldier guy (I’ll learn his name eventually, I promise) tried to send a telegram to his wife in an attempt to save her life, but to no avail.

          The other significant thing that happened was that Flynn and his crew managed to steal an atom bomb, which they’ll use for their own sinister machinations in the next episode. Considering they’re on their way to Nazi Germany, one would think that they’re up to no good. But this show’s done an excellent job of making us second guess ourselves over who really is the good guy, so it’s up in the air.

          That’s all I can really say about this episode. It was bland, boring, and only seems to exist to set up the atom bomb plot. While the setting is fun, they really don’t do anything with it, and aside from our main trio, the supporting cast is completely wasted. If you’re sort of running this show in the background, this is definitely an episode that you can skip.



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