Monday 17 October 2016

Editorial: The Mystery Box

The Mystery Box

          Have you ever seen one of those weird capsule toy machines at a grocery store? The ones where you put in a few dollars, turn the crank, and get a prize? They used to be everywhere, but I guess people have gotten too smart for them, because I haven’t seen one in a while.

          The trick to these machines was that they’d have a list of all the potential prizes stuck to the machine, but no matter how hard you tried, you’d never get the one you wanted. The really cool ones would never show up, and you’d just keep going until you either ran out of money or gave up. Despite how infuriating this is, it really does work as a business practice.

          I think that’s why the recent “blind-box” craze has sprung up. Toy companies are now offering blind figures, forcing you to fork over around $10 for a slim chance of getting the toy you want. I mean, I’d pay more than that if I could just get the figures I want instead of risking getting a bunch of crap ones, but I guess these business people know what they’re doing.

          It’s also sprung up in the world of video games, especially in games where cosmetics are integral. We’ve all felt the cruelty of the loot box, especially in games like Overwatch. You rarely ever get one of the legendary rank skins, and when you do, it’s for a character you never play.

          This week, Overwatch sprang a Halloween event on us, including some new, ultra-rare costumes based on Frankenstein, the Headless Horseman, and so on. I was pretty hesitant going into this event, remembering how disastrously Blizzard handled the Overwatch Summer Games update, but thankfully it seems that they’ve learned from their mistakes. In the Halloween Update, the brand new skins are available for purchase with in-game cash.

          For three times the price of other skins of the same rarity. Plus, you can only earn money by (what else?) finding it randomly in loot boxes.

          It’s okay though, you can still get the new items in the Halloween loot boxes! The thing is, you’re only guaranteed one new Halloween item in each box, because they’re mixed in with the Classic set. You can also buy more boxes with real world cash, but this only increases your odds of getting something. There’s no guarantee you’ll grab that new Witch Mercy skin, because you’re just as likely to find Goth Zarya in there instead. How would you feel if you bought a Steven Universe blind box figure, only to open it and find We Bare Bears merchandise? It’s not terrible, but it’s also not what you were advertised on.

          And this is what frustrates me the most, because the people behind these blind box schemes know that collectors will go to any means to get the stuff they want. While I don’t buy any extra boxes, I’ve found that I’ve been playing Overwatch a lot more since the update went live, in hopes to powerlevel and get at least one of the new skins. With my luck, I’ll probably get one for a character I don’t use instead of my sought-after Junkrat skin.

          Again, this is an extremely sound business strategy, because it keeps the customer coming back to try again and again. I just don’t like it when the odds are stacked against me when I’m trying to get the one I like. Because the Halloween loot boxes are mixed with the regular boxes, I’m as likely to get a Classic legendary skin (which are already none too common, mind you) as I am a Halloween legendary skin. At least give me separate boxes so I can feel like I’m not getting shafted.

          Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going back to powerleveling some more. Dr. Junkenstien isn’t gonna unbox himself.

The NX Roundup

          After a week off, the NX has returned with a vengeance! It’s time once more for the NX Roundup, where we take all the NX “news” of the week and cry out in confusion why Nintendo let this happen.

          This week’s news comes to us courtesy of banking firm Macquarie Group, who has declared the NX will be revealed sometime next week. Now normally, this would be pretty big news. Unfortunately, this is the NX, where everyone and their brother has thrown around rumours that it would appear “next week” to no avail. At this point, it seems Macquarie is just throwing their hat in the ring.

          October 21 seems to be the magic date, meaning that this may just be the final installment of the NX Roundup. Nintendo is also holding an investor briefing on the 26th, so it wouldn’t be surprising for them to unveil the NX before then. This rumour seems to have a little more foundation than just some random guy tweeting out that he stumbled upon a leak.

          This wasn’t the end for Macquarie, though, as they went on to say the NX reveal will come with drawbacks and be a disappointment financially, because it wouldn’t be an NX rumour without somebody assuming something. True, the rumoured pricing of somewhere between $350-399 isn’t exactly ideal, but this is the first time I’ve heard these numbers. Where did they come from? Nintendo sure didn’t give them to us. How can you guess the price for a console we know absolutely nothing about?

          But I digress. The 21st is fast approaching, and we’ll just have to wait and see what Nintendo decides to do.

Song of the Week

          The main theme from Overwatch. I’ve loved the Halloween organ take on this theme, but the original stands out as one of the most iconic pieces of music to come out of gaming this year.

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