Saturday 29 October 2016

Magical Girl Raising Project Episode 5 Review

Kill or be killed
(This review contains spoilers!)

          This episode focused almost entirely on the duo of Sister Nana and Winterprison, as well as several other characters we haven’t seen much of yet. Magical Girl Raising Project is doing an excellent job of establishing their ensemble cast, as we’re finally seeing more of characters that lacked screen time during Ruler’s early arc.

          Sister Nana is planning to band together with a large group of other magical girls to find a way to end the competition and resume business as usual. Nearly all of the candidate’s reactions range from unwilling to downright threatening to the prospect, leading to our first real fight to the death between two of the characters, although both ended up surviving.

          Sister Nana and Winterprison’s dynamic is one that was established just by seeing them outside of their magical girl costumes for a few minutes, and I really liked that. The show didn’t explicitly tell us what their relationship was – rather, it allowed us to fill in the blanks ourselves and decide whether they were platonic or not.

          In fact, all of the characters were pretty stellar this week. I’m very intrigued by the robotic Magicaloid. As far as I can remember, the show hasn’t told us whether she’s a full-on robot or just a robot-themed magical girl yet, so I’m excited to see where she goes. Her magical power was undeniably hilarious as well.

          Lots of more development was given to Cranberry, the musician magical girl who hung out in the background of a few scenes in the chatroom. As hinted at in the intro, she seems to be working with Fav for whatever reason, and seems to be out for magical girl blood. She went up against Winterprison, ending the fight in a draw, and the episode ends hinting that La Pucelle is her next target.

          The fight scene between the two was fast and exciting, but felt a little too short. Ultimately, this episode seems more concerned with setting up characters to die instead of moving the plot more than an inch along. Granted, the exposition is enjoyable and doesn’t feel like wasted time. I’m glad that we’re getting development for characters we haven’t seen much of yet. It does feel a little disappointing that, when something actually does happen, it’s over in under five minutes.

          The other thing this episode did was put a target on the heads of more characters. The opening of the episode marked Sister Nana to die similarly to how obviously Ruler’s death was telegraphed last week, and while thankfully we didn’t see a repeat of that, her relationship with Winterprison makes both of them prime targets. Similarly, if La Pucelle makes it out of this series alive, I’ll eat my hat.

          Although this week was a bit too heavy on the exposition, I did enjoy myself. It’s necessary to have these world-building episodes in a much bigger series, lest everything ends up feeling rushed. Characters like Magicaloid and Cranberry are very intriguing, and the representation of Sister Nana’s relationship with Winterprison was excellently written and animated. Five weeks on, Magical Girl Raising Project continues to impress, and with things growing progressively darker in this world, it’s hard not to look forward to what’s coming next.



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