Thursday 20 October 2016

Bonus Content: My initial thoughts on the Nintendo Switch

So the NX has finally been revealed! The Nintendo Switch is the name of the next generation of Nintendo consoles, dropping the Wii name and branding once and for all.

          And, much to my surprise, I’m absolutely on board with it. As someone who disliked the Wii U after seeing the initial trailer, the Switch has really impressed me with how creative and smart the idea looks.

          If you somehow missed it, the basic idea of the Switch is that it’s both a home console and a handheld in one. There are multiple different ways you can mix and match the controllers, including a standard Wii U Pro Controller update, a handheld device similar in vein to the GamePad, a bunch of small controllers similar to Wiimotes you can hand out to friends for impromptu multiplayer, and more.

          Overall, it’s a really creative idea. It allows you to create multiple controller options with just one, removing the need to buy four different controllers just for a round of, say, Mario Party. I assume that for games like Smash Bros where this wouldn’t work Nintendo can reintroduce the GameCube adapter, giving them an easy solution there.

          But who cares about that? You want to hear about the games!

          One thing people remember about the Wii U was how disastrous the third-party support was. Aside from a few select developers, none of the third party developers seemed to want to build their game around the console. In the Switch’s case, that problem seems to have gone out the window, as seen with the Partners image Nintendo put out.


          Not only are the usual suspects all here, like EA, Ubisoft, and Traveller’s Tales, but there’s some pretty massive developers on this thing too. Bethesda, From Software, Telltale, Square Enix, and more are all onboard for the Nintendo Switch.

          As for the first party games, aside from the already announced Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Skyrim Remastered (I had a moment of disbelief seeing Skyrim on a Nintendo system), we saw what looked like new iterations of both Mario Kart and Splatoon, as well as a new Mario 3D platformer. From the brief glimpse we got of Mario, it looks like a sort of hybrid of Mario 64 and Mario 3D World. I’m not the biggest fan of 3D World, but I consider 64 to be the best Mario game of all time, so I’m looking forward to more information. Splatoon seems to be getting more advanced inkling customization options and Mario Kart is bringing back the two item system used in GameCube’s Mario Kart Double Dash, both of which are things I’ve wanted for a long time.

          Ultimately, I think that this made the whole NX insanity period worth the wait. The controller looks fantastic, instead of the abomination that was supposedly “leaked” earlier this year.

          I don’t say this often about consoles, but I’m super excited to see more of the Switch. It seems to be the perfect combination between hardcore and casual gamers that Satoru Iwata was looking for in his lifetime, and I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that he himself designed it. If this is to be Iwata’s legacy, it looks like it’s going to be a good one.

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