Saturday 22 October 2016

Magical Girl Raising Project Episode 4 Review

Long live the queen
(This review contains spoilers!)

          Even though this episode pretty clearly telegraphed who was going to die before the opening even rolled, the way the showrunners were able to tie the last three episodes together in one big twist was phenomenal.

          We pick up directly where we left off, with Leader, Swim Swim, Tama, and the angel twins attempting to rob Snow White of her candies in hopes of taking out the leading competition. The plan is a success, but, as is the case with these things, things go a little haywire and the result isn’t exactly what the characters are expecting. I dare not spoil exactly what it is, but although it’s kind of an obvious twist, exactly why what happens happened is just plain brilliant.

          Not only does this episode bring a conclusion to one of the major storylines going on so far, but it gives a spotlight to characters who really haven’t done much yet, such as La Pucelle and Swim Swim. Even Nemurin unknowingly pulled the strings of this whole episode by visiting that dream just before she died.

          The fight scene in the episode in fantastically animated as well, as the battle between La Pucelle and the angel twins is exactly what you’d want from a magical girl battle. High-flying combat, crazy weapons, fun quips and dialogue, it’s the whole package.

          The one thing I still feel this show is doing wrong is the characterization of Snow White. She doesn’t participate in the battle for her candies. Fair enough, she’s still new at this and her ability isn’t exactly one that can help her in a combat scenario. What I don’t like is after she’s been robbed, she immediately gives up, and asks La Pucelle to give up too. So not only is she supposedly perfect and collects obscene amounts of candies off-screen, but she’s pretty spineless and just throws in the towel immediately after something goes wrong? She’s the main character! We’re supposed to be rooting for her! I actually found myself thinking that if they killed off Snow White, not only would it make for a huge surprise, but nothing much of value would be lost either, and that’s a shame.

          Other than that, this was another fantastic installment in the series. While the main character is still pretty lackluster, the other characters are more than making up for her shortcomings. With some new plans brewing between Top Speed and Sister Nana, plus the arrival of yet another new magical girl, things are really beginning to heat up.



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