Saturday 8 October 2016

Magical Girl Raising Project Episode 2 Review

It gets real
(This review contains spoilers!)

          Well, that just happened.

          After last week’s near overdose of cutesiness, Magical Girl Raising Project returned with a sheer kick to the throat. While the big twist could be seen coming from a mile away, there was a lot of underlying stuff added on to really create a darker atmosphere in the show.

          The plot also continued to use the excellent mobile gaming idea that was established last week, having the magical girls be battling it out for in-game currency in order to keep their powers. There isn’t much tension yet between the girls, but I imagine that’ll start building later on in the series once someone discovers what’s happening to those in the loser’s circle.

          My one problem thus far is that our main character, Snow White, is a bit too much of a Mary Sue. She instantly gets the highest candy amount without even trying, and everyone else immediately is like “yeah, that makes sense”. She’s still a rookie! It’s a little unrealistic (he says about the magical girl anime) to have her be top of her class instantly.

          This episode also gives us a look into the other characters, such as the ninja/witch pairing we were introduced to last week, the outlaw cowgirl who seems to have gone rogue, and even what appears to be a magical girl mafia. For now, they all seem pretty tropey, but their designs and the ideas behind them are interesting enough to see where they go.

          As for the big twist, I felt it was handled perfectly. You spent enough time with the unlucky soul to feel bad for her when she pulled the short straw, and the final few scenes with her were excellently directed. While it was, again, very obvious as to where it was going, it was done well enough for it to still be shocking.

          I’m really looking forward to next week, as it seems this show is really starting to pick up steam. This is a rare case where I can’t really tell what the endgame is going to be for several of these characters (although I’m almost dead certain that Snow White’s best friend isn’t making it to the final episode), so I can’t wait to see what happens next.



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