Wednesday 4 May 2016

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Review: “Failed Experiments”

In case of emergency, call Kree headquarters
(This review contains spoilers!)

          As we make our approach to the two hour season finale on the 17th, the stakes grow higher and higher for the crew. This week was no exception, as we got our first Marvel TV appearance of the Kree! At least, I think it was. Daisy mentioned fighting a Kree before, but I can’t remember when that happened for the life of me.

          Nevertheless, the Kree Reapers were easily the high point of this episode, and the fight scenes with Daisy and Hive were very fast paced and well done. It’s always nice when the larger Marvel Universe beyond just Hydra and the Inhumans comes to play, and this was no exception.

          I also liked the opening sequence, discovering where Hive came from and how we was turned into the Inhuman we know him as today. We got to see him as a tribesman in what I can only assume was Africa (Wakanda, maybe?) thousands of years ago, being turned into this monster.

          What I didn’t like was how everyone’s brains seemed to check out for an episode. Bad decision making was the norm this week, as everyone seemed to be getting themselves into trouble. There’s Mack throwing away his weapon as he faced off with one of the strongest Inhumans, Lincoln almost killing himself trying to create a vaccine that Fitz and Simmons warned against, and, my personal favourite, May and her team thinking they can kill Hive with bullets.

          Speaking of May’s team, is anyone else surprised that those two new agents survived the episodes? They felt like real red-shirt material to me, but they made it home safe and even got a few lines each to boot.

          There was also the problem that the majority of the episode took place in boring laboratories, with people talking about science and vaccines and stuff like that for far too long. I’ll admit, I got disinterested pretty fast.

          We ended off with the revelation that, since Coulson used Kree blood to save Daisy’s life after she’d been shot in Season 1, Hive can use her blood to make more Inhumans. A bit of a deus ex machina, but it makes sense, considering it was established a few years ago.

          Despite its shortcomings, this was still a really good episode for Shield, and I’m expecting things to really get going next week as we get closer to the end of the “Fallen Agent” storyline and past Civil War.



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