Friday 6 May 2016

Space Patrol Luluco Episode 6 Review

Shoplifting in style
(This review contains spoilers!)

          God, I love this show. It juggles being ridiculous, hilarious, and even heartfelt with literal ease. Every week when I tune in it never fails to make me smile.

          But anyways, onto this week’s episode. We last saw Luluco and company watching in horror as the town of Ogikubo was lifted away and put up for auction by Luluco’s space pirate mother. So what’s their solution for this predicament? Why, reactivate the frozen top half of Luluco’s father’s head, of course!

          Yes, Luluco’s father commandeers the mission with literally half a brain, as he unveils a secret rocket that’s been hidden away in Luluco’s closet this whole time. They then proceed to ram it into the side of the pirate ship, thinking that if they do something illegal to stop something illegal, technically that makes it justice. “Minus plus minus makes a plus”, as the Chief so eloquently puts it.

          Things get even crazier when Midori reveals she kept more of those black market apps from the first storyline, and, I kid you not, uses them to project a giant version of her hand, which she uses to grab hold of the pirate ship to stop the auction from going through. Did I mention this show was ridiculous?

          Midori is really starting to win me over. Even though she started out as a really cliché mean girl/goofy villain character, her goofy reactions and snarky dialogue really makes her a highlight for me. I much prefer her to Nova, who still feels like the show isn’t quite sure what it wants to do with him. I don’t think he even got a line in this episode.

          With the promise of the Space Patrol crew now exploring a new galaxy, the next storyline for Space Patrol Luluco is looking more exciting than ever. I just hope that there’s even more justice.



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