Thursday 19 May 2016

Steven Universe Review: “Same Old World”

Welcome to Empire City
(This review contains spoilers!)

          After going almost a whole year without a speaking role, Lapis Lazuli has finally made her long awaited return! Rejoice!

          This was a great episode for her as well, as we finally got some more character development for her. As cool a character as she is, it’s interesting to think that we really haven’t learned that much about her since her premiere way back in Mirror/Ocean Gem. In this episode, we finally got the origin of the mirror, and how she got there in the first place.

          The flashback to Lapis’s origins also brought back the stylized art we first saw in The Answer, and as much as I like it, I worry that if it’s used too much, it might become tiring. I know that for now there’s still very little we know about the gems and Homeworld as a whole, but I really hope we get some more detail soon.

          I was very satisfied by the explanation we got as to why Lapis ended up in the mirror and why she was never freed. All the theories I saw had extremely complicated and tragic reasons as to why it happened, but I kind of like that it was a simple case of misunderstanding during the Gem Wars. The fact that Homeworld never once wondered if Lapis was on their side really shows how cruel and heartless it must be there.

          Also, that rainbow dreadlocks gem that took out Lapis. I can’t not bring that up. The fact that it was fully animated and coloured in unlike the others probably means it’ll be significant in some way later on, but I couldn’t tell you what.

          Aside from the long-awaited backstory, we also got some very sweet scenes of Steven interacting with Lapis. The two Beach Summer Fun Buddies got to fly around in a very Whole New World-style sequence, and we got to see what more of the area surrounding Beach City looks like!

          I really liked the Empire City, especially how it seemed to be a hodgepodge of real cities such as New York and Paris. Even better was Jersey, the smog filled city next door where traffic is horrible and everyone is yelling at each other. It’s just a shame we never stopped by the ill-fated Ocean Town.

          As nice as all this was, I can’t help but feel though that this is more or less the first part of Lapis’s path to joining the Crystal Gems. Not much was accomplished overall, aside from Steven convincing Lapis to stick around, with the ending setting up her conflict with Peridot for next week.

           Still, it’s nice to finally have Lapis as a permanent character, for the time being at least. Hopefully we can explore her character more, and maybe eventually she will follow Peridot and join the Crystal Gems once and for all.



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