Saturday 7 May 2016

Ace Attorney Episode 6 Review

Going nowhere fast
(This review contains mild spoilers!)

          Ace Attorney took a trip to filler town this week, as extremely little that mattered in the overall case happened. You can skip to the last 5 minutes of the episode and have missed nothing.

          With the true culprit revealed through some extremely convoluted exposition, it looks like next week will have Phoenix back in the courtroom to thankfully wrap up the Steel Samurai case and move on to the final and best one from the original game.

          Also, can we all agree that no one should ever talk in leet-speak ever again? It was funny back in 2008, but now it’s just extremely distracting and grating. The director character wasn’t appealing in any way, shape, or form, and thankfully didn’t have more than a minute or two of screen time.

          The animation also seemed to take this week off as well, as more often than not we just has stoic images of the characters with their mouths moving. I guess it’s to save money on an episode that has nothing in it, but it just looks lazy.

          There’s also a running problem I have with Maya. In the game, she was my favourite character, as you really felt a connection with her after putting your all into defending her in the Turnabout Sisters case. But in the show, it really feels like she and Phoenix don’t share much of a relationship other than “Oh, she’s my mentor’s sister so I’ll keep her around.” She’s yet to come into her own as a character, and feels more like Phoenix’s sidekick that could be replaced with no one batting an eye.

          This week’s episode of Ace Attorney can be summed up in one word: Skippable. See you next week for the court case, Mr. Wright.



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