Saturday 14 May 2016

Ace Attorney Episode 7 Review

The show must drag on
(This review contains minor spoilers!)

          Last week’s episode of Ace Attorney has the dubious honour of being the first thing on this site to ever receive my lowest possible score, thanks to how boring, useless, and skippable it was. Considering that, how did this week fare?

          Well firstly, I don’t know if the budget’s been slashed or something, but the animation quality’s continuing the nosedive I first noticed last week. Character movement is choppy, the facial expressions are weak, and shots often linger for awkward amounts of time with very little going on to warrant our attention. There’s even a scene where Edgeworth throws a spear for Phoenix to catch. We see him hold out his arms, and then the spear magically appears in his hands, which then, in a single frame of animation, fall to the floor under the weapon’s weight. If you blinked, you would miss it, and that’s completely inexcusable.

          There’s also the continuing problem of the characters. I don’t think I’ve mentioned this before, but I actually really like the way the show portrays Edgeworth. He’s the one thing that feels like he jumped right off the game screen and transitioned perfectly into the anime. The voice actor for him always does an excellent job as well.

          Aside from Edgeworth, all the characters continue to be as bland as stale bread. Phoenix, Maya, the Judge, and even the witnesses have all been reduced to one note personalities, and none of them really make even the most exciting of court cases fun to watch.

          That’s the main problem with Ace Attorney: It’s not fun to watch.

          I can see it being enjoyable if you haven’t played the games, but if you have and you enjoyed them, all that’s waiting for you here is a watered-down version of the storyline. I remembered playing through the first game, I kept going back to it because not only was I invested in the storyline, I was having a blast uncovering the mysteries.

          Here, I just feel like I’m watching one play by numbers murder mystery after another, with nothing to really take away from it.
          If I must say one good thing about this episode, the conclusion is one I didn’t remember from the game, and is a very satisfying wrap up to an ultimately boring case. I still don’t think it’s worth sifting through all the garbage to get to it, though.

          With the final case on the horizon, Ace Attorney has one last chance from me to pull it together and really prove itself as able to exist on its own without resting on the laurels of nostalgia for the games. With that, I wish it luck.



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