Wednesday 10 May 2017

Steven Universe Review: “The Good Lars”

Steven and the Contradictory Title
(This review contains spoilers!)

          Hot on the heels of one of the best townie episodes ever, Steven Universe gives us…Lars.

          Oh, Lars. I so desperately want to like his character. With how often he’s appeared over the course of this series it’s clear that the crew are trying their absolute hardest to make him relatable and likable. But every time the guy’s onscreen he just reaffirms why I dislike him so much. He doesn’t contribute anything, his will-he won’t-he relationship with Sadie is infuriating, and his personality would make Squidward Tentacles tell him to be less of a stuck-up jerk. I think the only character in the show I’d less rather spend time with is Ronaldo, because at least with Lars I don’t want to tear my ears off after listening to his voice for more than a few seconds.

          So whenever his name appears in the title, I’m usually pretty unenthusiastic about the episode that follows. This episode was actually better than most other Lars episodes in that he was a bit more tolerable this time, but it still had its fair share of irritating moments.

          The Cool Kids have invited Lars, Sadie and Steven to a potluck they’re having, so they decide to bring something. It turns out Lars is good at baking, which is monumental because that means that Lars has at least one redeeming quality. They make something called an ube roll, and then it’s off to the party.

          Of course, things start to go wrong. Lars no-shows, and Steven finds the roll they made in the garbage outside of the Cool Kids’ house. Considering what happens in the next episode you can assume that it wasn’t his fault it ended up in there, but the episode implies that it was.

          This is why Lars is such a frustrating character to me. He so desperately needs character development, but the crew doesn’t want to give it to him! His character is at exactly the same place it was back in Season 1 after Island Adventure. It doesn’t help he’s been essentially absent for the past two seasons (although I’m pretty grateful for that), but even after this episode it’s obvious that he hasn’t changed whatsoever. The last episode of the bomb really makes me think that the crew has big plans for him, but I really think they should’ve laid more groundwork beforehand.

          The Good Lars is a better Lars episode than most, but it’s still a Lars episode. He’s still the same annoying jerk he was back in Season 1, and that makes it incredibly hard to root for him. Again, I really want to like the guy, because the crew makes it clear that he’s one of the more prominent side characters. But when I enjoy an episode with a one-off townie we’ve only seen in passing before more than an episode with one we’ve already spent several episodes with, I think that’s a signal something’s gone horribly wrong.



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