Saturday 6 May 2017

Re:Creators Episode 5 Review

Z…Z…Z…oh wait I have to write a review
(This review contains spoilers!)

          While I’ve enjoyed Re:Creators up to this point, there’s no denying that it’s had several faults. The biggest problem thus far is a complete overdose of exposition and explanation over the past two weeks, with this episode hopefully being the last one we need to get through before the story actually gets started.

          This episode was a complete and utter slog to get through. It’s only 22 minutes long, but trust me, you feel every second of those 22 minutes. From start to finish this episode is just talking and talking about stuff we really didn’t need to hear about. It gets to the point where it stops feeling like an anime and more like history class.

          A new creation has arrived on the scene, but don’t ask me any questions about him because he got barely any development whatsoever. He’s a parody of mecha anime protagonists, and I liked that they were able to capture their tendency to be quick to anger as well as their seemingly endless need for food, but that’s it. It wasn’t long before the entire main cast was brought in for a senate meeting to discuss what to do with the situation.

          The senate meeting is a complete snooze. They don’t talk about anything interesting or anything that furthers the plot. All it serves as is a way to explain why the government isn’t interfering as well as a way to fill time. It drags on for over 15 minutes, and at no point do they discuss anything remotely interesting.

          The creations are essentially given free rein to do whatever the hell they want, even if it means robbing the government blind of weapons worth millions of taxpayer yen. That’s it. That’s all that is accomplished in this entire episode.

          Oh, and there’s a scene at the end where main character dude realizes he knows the Military Uniform Princess from somewhere. It seems interesting, and I’m sure there’ll be a logical explanation for how he knows her. But since this scene is placed at the end of 22 minutes of pure monotony, it’s hard to even be remotely interesting.

          I sincerely hope this tidal wave of blah means that we’ve finally made it through the exposition. While this show showed immense promise from the first few episodes and I’m still invested enough to want to see where it goes, I’ve been growing less and less excited for new installments each passing week. First impressions are very important, and Re:Creators is approaching the crucial 6-episode mark with only a clever premise to show for itself.



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