Saturday 13 May 2017

Re:Creators Episode 6 Review

Swords, magic and now a gun
(This review contains spoilers!)

          Talk about a comeback. Re:Creators has suffered immensely over the last few weeks thanks to the writers trying to get all the exposition out of the way in the first few weeks. This led to several episodes featuring little but the characters talking about anything and everything, but with very little actually being accomplished.

          This episode was the first one since the first two that really felt like what I was hoping we’d see out of this anime. It was colorful and fun, with lots of fantastic characters and relationships between them as well as some excellently choreographed fight scenes.

          This episode finally properly introduced the last of the major Creations (or at least the ones that appear in the opening). The purple-haired girl has some sort of sinister magic powers fueled by lies, but we never really got to see her use or explain it. Despite this, she’s a very entertaining Chaotic Evil character that I want to see more of.

          She is pursued by the always-entertaining duo of Alice and Momoka. Their relationship is just as good here as it was in their first episode. Coming from two different anime with vastly contrasting themes gives them a great friendly rapport on how they view meeting new people at the opening of the episode.

          The one real problem I still have with this anime is main character guy. He has an extremely small and insignificant role at the beginning of the episode (which is literally just what he did at the end of the last episode) where he learns of the origins of the Military Uniform Princess…and then doesn’t explain what they are. It’s kind of obvious she has different origins from the rest of the cast, but I really wish he’d actually explained it or something to give him a thing to do this episode.

          The best part of the episode is easily the finale. Most of the Creations all come out to battle with each other over their clashing ideals, and it’s awesome to finally see them all showing off their abilities again after weeks of just plain nothing. The fight scene is long and awesome, with plenty of different things and characters to watch the whole time. The best part is that it isn’t done yet, meaning we’ll see more next week.

          This episode is exactly what I hoped Re:Creators would be back when I started. This episode featured awesome characters, great exchanges and banter between them, and fantastic battles. I’m so glad we’ve finally escaped the exposition, because now is the time for this anime to really show us what it can do.



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