Monday 15 May 2017

Little Witch Academia Episode 19 Review

The beginning of the end
(This review contains spoilers!)

          As we creep ever closer to the season finale of Little Witch Academia (I refuse to believe it’s going to be the series finale), it looks like we’re heading straight into our final arc, as Diana finally gets some long deserved screentime.

          Following some undisclosed disaster, Diana decides the time has come to return home and become the leader of the Cavendish family. Akko, of course, isn’t having any of it, and decides to not rest until she stays in school, following her to her family’s estate. Along the way she meets up with Andrew, who serves his usual purpose of getting Akko into the situation she needs to be in for the plot to progress.

          This episode is mostly concerned with more worldbuilding, which is always welcome as far as I’m concerned with this show. The world and magic of Little Witch is so fascinating to me, so I love digging a little deeper into the lore of the world. We learned that the Cavendish family is tied to one of the original Nine Olde Witches, and Diana is a direct descendant of her. I also loved that Diana’s childhood was brought back in several ways, including her being a fan of Chariot just like Akko. It even looks like she has the ultra-rare card Akko said she didn’t have way back at the start of the series.

          The only problem is that Diana’s sinister aunt (who is always flanked by two girls who always do what she says, kinda like a certain someone else we know) has taken control of the family, and is selling off their priceless artifacts in order to keep herself rich. Diana believes that the family should sustain its heritage over improving its finances, and has arrived on the one night a year specified in ancient tradition that the next in line can take over the Cavendish throne.

          Akko helps keep the mood light with plenty of her always-great physical humour. The entire scene where she tries hitchhiking to get to Diana’s house is hilarious. Plus, this episode gave a much stronger insight to Akko and Diana’s relationship than we’ve had in a very long time. While it’s been made clear they appreciate each other from a distance, they’ve rarely had time to interact when they aren’t fighting.

          And this leads me to the one big problem with this episode. It’s kind of hard to believe that Akko would go chasing Diana like she does. Replace Diana with Amanda or Sucy and her reaction is way more understandable. The two of them haven’t had enough of a positive relationship for me to really believe that Akko would go out of her way to get Diana back. I kind of have to forgive this because without her reacting like this there’s no way we would’ve gotten this storyline (considering this series is so tied to Akko’s story and basically everything is told from her perspective), but it’s still a little annoying.

          The episode ends with a cliffhanger of Diana challenging her aunt for power, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to seeing where this goes. This episode was fantastic in deepening the world of Little Witch even further, as well as developing Diana’s character more, considering she’s felt more like a foil to Akko than her own character for a long period of time. I kind of wish we had a stronger reason why Akko went on this crazy mission other than “she likes having Diana around”, because we honestly haven’t seen enough development between the two to believe that. Despite this, this is an excellent episode that looks to serve as the beginning of the grand finale.



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