Saturday 20 May 2017

Re:Creators Episode 7 Review

Main character guy almost does something
(This review contains spoilers!)

          Re:Creators left us last week in the middle of an awesome fight scene between all the creations as things finally started to get heated up. Things continued to get better this week, as the overall mystery continued to heat up and the characters got more interactions with each other.

          The last remaining creations showed up at the fight scene, but it didn’t last long before they all dispersed into their own separate group. The rival guy with the purple hair’s decided to align with Selesia’s group, as has the mech pilot. They both seem like really fun characters to be around, and I hope they actually do something more than just be extras that hang out and contribute with an idea every so often.

          Mamika also got a lot more screentime this week. Despite not being in nearly as many episodes as Selesia and Meteora, I’d honestly say she’s had the most development out of any of the characters so far. I love how she’s trying to bring her beliefs of love and tolerance into this world. She meets up with main character guy in hopes that the two warring creation factions can make up, as well as wanting to learn more about the origins of the Military Uniform Princess.

          The origins of this mysterious villain was the major talking point this week, as the main cast spent most of the time scrambling to figure out who she is and where she came from. It’s still obvious that main character guy knows where she came from (I know his real name but I refuse to use it until he actually contributes something to this anime), but for whatever reason they don’t want to tell us. I guess they’re setting it up to be a big groundbreaking reveal later on, but it’s kind of frustrating for them to tease it, only to keep holding the information from us.

          Whatever the case, the creators learned that she’s a fan art creation named Altair, but that’s all we know right now. I think she has something to do with the girl main character guy remembered when he first researched her, but as of right now she’s a real enigma.

          While this episode was extremely dialogue heavy, I feel like I can forgive it because we actually furthered one of the major mysteries this time around. Still, I can definitely see why those who dropped the show are referring to it as “Re:Exposition”. I definitely feel that the story and characters are compelling enough for me to continue, because even if there are some episodes with a little too much chatter they can still be interesting if done right.



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