Saturday 27 May 2017

Re:Creators Episode 8 Review

Magical Splash Nuke
(This review contains spoilers!)

          We’re nearing the halfway point in Re:Creators, which means we’ve arrived at the point where I’m honestly starting to feel sorry for the people who dropped this show. The mystery surrounding Altair’s creator furthered this week, and the best character on the show got a pivotal, albeit maybe final, scene that turned out to be one of the show’s best.

          It’s become blatantly obvious that Sota (I think the main character guy joke’s run its course by this point) has something to do with the creator of our villain, and this week the characters all but confirmed what happened to her using some wordplay. She was friends with Sota, but after her work with Altair took off, Sota continued to flounder as an artist. Their friendship broke off, and three months ago she died somehow. Altair is doing all this insanity to get revenge on the world that took her god from her, which includes destroying the other creations that have come in.

          I like that Altair finally got some major screentime again this week as more developments came out about her, because she’s mostly acted as an endgame boss while the hero creations fight her flunkies. She’s definitely shaping up to be a cool baddie, and the connection with Sota will be really interesting to explore in the weeks to come.

          I have noticed another small issue with the show lately that I feel is worth bringing up however: the uneven distribution of the main characters. Some of the creations get ludicrous amounts of screentime compared to others. Despite being the first character seen in the intro and the one at the center of much of the advertising for Re:Creators, Selesia doesn’t enjoy nearly the same amount of screentime that Meteora gets. She only had one or two lines this week compared to Meteora getting a huge scene one on one with Sota. Similarly, despite being introduced as a major player a few weeks back, the mech suit guy’s still done absolutely nothing. He doesn’t contribute to the conversations, nor does he participate in the fight scenes. Right now he just feels like he’s there just because they wanted to get all the introductions out of the way early on.

          Speaking of characters, I probably should talk about Mamika and the ending. Mamika and her relationship with Alice has easily been the best part of Re:Creators thus far. The microexpressions you see on her face when interacting with the others is honestly second to none. You really can see complex emotions like doubt and confusion on this anime girl’s face, and it’s insane.

          Early in the episode it was blatant that her character was about to go into a rough patch, as she had a conversation with Alice about how she wanted her to know how much she liked her and how she believed this world truly was worth saving.

          Uh oh.

          As is the magical girl’s lot in life since Madoka Magica hit it big, everything then proceeded to go horribly wrong for poor Mamika. Upon confronting Altair about her master plan, she was quickly turned into mahou shojou shish kabob. But before Altair could deliver the finishing blow, Mamika finally cast the much-hyped Magical Splash Flare spell, destroying everything in a one mile radius with a pink explosion.

          As far as I can see, there are two ways they can go with this since we didn’t actually see if she died or not. The more obvious choice and the one I think they’ll be going with is they kill off Mamika, arguably the best character with the most development, and set up a story not unlike Magical Girl Raising Project going forth where the creations are picked off one by one. The other option is have Mamika survive, keeping their secret weapon character in play, and have her join Sota’s side, leading to a rift in her relationship with Alice. I personally think that she’s a goner (her scene early on in the episode made it laughably obvious), and if that’s the case, I’ll really miss her.

          Despite the character screentime issue, this episode was easily the best we’ve seen from Re:Creators so far. Mamika’s scenes were excellently animated and directed, being extremely emotional and providing what looks to be a satisfying end to her character arc. Outside of that, I also enjoyed the further worldbuilding and giving Sota more of a role in things going on. I just wished his interactions weren’t limited to just Selesia, Meteora and Makagami. Overall, this episode alone really made all the exposition we had to get through worth seeing. If you dropped this anime, I highly recommend picking it up again.



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