Thursday 13 July 2017

Salvation Episode 1 Review

You lost me at “screw you”
(This review contains spoilers!)

          Well, that was 45 minutes I’ll never get back.

          I like watching shows that don’t really have a lot of hype behind them. Through that I’ve discovered awesome shows like Timeless. But sadly, more often than not I’m usually met with an awful pilot and a bunch of precious time wasted. This was one of those times.

          Salvation seemed like it had an interesting premise. A meteor heading to Earth and seeing how the inhabitants deal with the idea of the apocalypse on its way can be done well. The thing is that from the first moment onscreen to the end credits, Salvation does absolutely nothing right with the concept.

          The first problem is very quickly apparent: this show is boring. Really, really boring. You’d think that the concept of doomsday would make these people react a little more, but no. They all seem pretty uninterested with what’s going on. Here’s the thing: if the characters aren’t interested, why should I be?

          Speaking of the characters, by the end of the episode you’ll wish that asteroid would hurry up, because none of them are likeable in the slightest. Main guy is a total asshat, the lead scientist is clearly a failed attempt to ape Elon Musk, and the female lead is exactly the same as a million other boring and plain female leads unlucky enough to be stuck with an incompetent writer.

          The villain is only marginally interesting, but in an ironic sort of way. Why exactly does this show need a villain? I’m pretty sure the asteroid does that job. And speaking of that, the fact that there is a villain in a show about an asteroid approaching Earth is confusing. Does this guy want everyone to die? Why? He can’t possibly gain anything from this arrangement ‘cause he’ll be dead too, right?

          Actually I think approaching this episode with logic is the wrong course of action because the writers clearly didn’t.

          The other big problem with the show is the tone. Yes, doomsday is typically not a laughing matter, but this episode was brutally serious to a fault. I don’t remember any of the characters cracking a smile or telling a joke once, and this just added to the overall drab atmosphere. Think about other shows like this that worked: stuff like Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Timeless or Scorpion. While those shows can have darker moments, there’s always a bit of levity and comic relief around. Here everyone spends the entire episode moping, and (surprise!) it’s not fun to watch.

          You’d think that the imminent destruction of the planet I live on would give me a reason to care, but I’d already declared Salvation a wash after the first 15 minutes. I will say that this show isn’t bad heckling material. If you’re like me and like watching bad stuff and shouting jokes at the screen, this episode’s got some material.

          I think it goes without saying but I will not be back for next week. This episode does everything wrong with the concept of approaching destruction. The characters are so unlikeable that you’ll be rooting for the asteroid by the end of the episode. The writing makes high school anime fanfiction look good. I’ve seen better visual effects in SyFy movies. If you’re having terrible insomnia and need something to put you to sleep, I can’t recommend this episode enough. Trust me, it’ll work wonders. As for anyone else, salvage yourselves and stay far, far away from Salvation.


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