Saturday 15 July 2017

Re:Creators Episode 15 Review

The strongest creation of all
(This review contains spoilers!)

          While Re:Creators has been great at covering their bases when it comes to the different types of characters they’ve used thus far, a part of me was always kind of disappointed we didn’t get a comedy/slice-of-life anime character thrown in the mix as well. I just really wanted to see how a character with zero abilities would match with the rest of the cast.

          We’ve sort of gotten that here, but not much development’s been made with her yet. Her name is Hikayu (or something like that), and she’s the main character from a dating sim franchise. I love how she overreacts to everyone and everything going on regardless of what’s happening, which leads to lots of fun over-exaggerated animations. I feel like she’s destined to do something important later on, but only time will tell.

          Meanwhile, the other Creations are gathering up and dividing into factions. Magane returns (finally) to have a conversation with Alice. Magane is such a fantastic character, one who I legitimately find to be a much more entertaining villain than Altair. The fact that she’s reintroduced taking a literal money bath is just plain hilarious. I also like that Alice is asking her to have as much fun as possible. Considering her fun is what led to the climax of the first half of the season, I think this could lead to something great.

          We also saw the introduction of another new character, who seems to be the lead hero from Yuuya’s story. He doesn’t exactly have a character yet, but it’s still cool to have someone new around.

          All in all, while this isn’t a huge episode, it’s still a fun episode. The Creations always steal the show, and having an episode focused on them and their interactions is extremely welcome after the multiple human-based episodes previously. It’s great to have Magane back, the new characters seem like fun, and I’m really interested in seeing where this is all gonna go.

          I’ve heard rumblings that next week is gonna be a “special” instead of an episode, so if there’s nothing to report on I guess I won’t review it. Even if we have to wait an extra week for the return of Re:Creators, this was a good place to end on.



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