Saturday 1 July 2017

Re:Creators Episode 13 Non-Review (THE RECAP EPISODE)

Uh I don’t know what to put here
(This review contains…something)

          Oh, you actually clicked on this?

          Uh…well, thanks for that, I guess. Look, I don’t really have anything to say about this episode. It’s just a recap of the series up to this point. I guess since we’re sort of in limbo between the Spring and Summer anime seasons the showrunners decided to save on budget or something.

          There’s not much for me to say here. Meteora as the narrator is pretty fun, especially when she subtly heckles the other characters and changes the story around to make herself the hero at points before relenting and fixing it. But there’s no content either than a couple of funny jokes, it’s just clips and character reintroductions.

          …Yeah, that’s it. You can skip this episode unless you really want to see it. I’m clocking out early. See you next week.



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