Saturday 8 July 2017

Re:Creators Episode 14 Review

The Creative Process
(This review contains spoilers!)

          One of the more interesting aspects of Re:Creators is the creators themselves. As much as this show is about action and excitement, there’s a very human element to it in that there are ordinary people meeting the characters they created in real life.

          This week started off the second arc for real, as we visited the most exciting of locations: a board room! How very intense!

          In all seriousness, this episode was definitely one that focused on the creators more than the creations. While the snazzy new opening and ending have teased that we’re getting two new characters (with one of them even appearing at the end of the episode), first we have to set into motion the creation of the massive crossover the heroes will do battle with Altair in.

          This leads to a lot of talking…and talking…and talking…and then the episode ends. I honestly found it tough to stay focused on watching this week because of just how much discussing we had to get through to get to the new character reveal at the end.

          One thing the episode did for me was lead me to the perfect analogy for Re:Creators: it’s the anime equivalent of Lucky Charms cereal. The weird grainy bits are gross, but they’re worth eating to get to the marshmallows. Similarly, the talking and explaining and discussing in this show can be really tiresome, but the action and creation interactions make it worth the wait.

          I think this episode served as a way for the showrunners to vent their frustrations about working in the anime industry. Basically all of it was arguing and talking about how inadequate they feel. I get it, creating’s tough, but did we really need an entire episode dedicated to that? We should’ve had the introduction of the new character be the A-plot this week and the creating the story stuff be the B-plot. That’s just how I would do it, but hey, what do I know?



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