Wednesday 16 November 2016

Update Impressions: Overwatch’s Sombra, Ecopoint: Antarctica, and more!


         Yesterday, Overwatch received a large update, bringing with it loads of new content. Arcade Mode was introduced, being a new home for Brawls, as well as a new map that houses 1v1 and 3v3 matches. The UI was also much more streamlined, characters were altered in various ways, and oh yeah, we got a new hero in the form of the long-awaited Sombra.

          Let’s address the elephant in the room right off the bat: Sombra herself. She’s an Offense hero, but plays more like a Support, manipulating the battle from the shadows and mainly getting kills via assists or finishing off a character with an already depleted health meter. Her passive ability allows her to see enemies with low health through walls (similar to seeing people through Widowmaker’s ultimate). Her trademark ability, Hack, is an extremely versatile tool that can dramatically change the flow of a battle. Unlike Ana’s Biotic Grenade, you can’t ignore Sombra’s Hack. It temporarily disables all your abilities, including your ultimate. I was actually able to use it once to stop a Hanzo just before he fired off his Dragonstrike. It’s most useful against characters that rely on their abilities for survival, like Tracer, Roadhog, or Zenyatta.

          The hack can also be used on health kits, capturing one for your team. For a certain amount of time, the enemy cannot use it, it gives anyone on your team double the amount of health it normally would, and recharges significantly faster. She can also hack Torbjorn’s turrets, temporarily disabling them and allowing them to be easily destroyed. Basically, the Hack is something you really don’t want to be on the receiving end of.

          Considering Sombra’s low health, it’s recommended you keep away from the fight and allow your more powerful allies to take on the opposition while you hack them from the shadows. Because of this, she has a few defensive abilities, the most useful of these being her Thermoptic Camo. This allows Sombra to go completely invisible for a short amount of time, increasing her speed. She cannot use any abilities until she uncloaks, so this is mostly used to maneuver through the map undetected. She also has her Translocator, a small beacon she can leave behind and teleport back to at any time, provided it’s within 15 seconds after she leaves it. While the Translocator is useful (especially when you’re cornered and need a quick escape), it’s very easy to forget to use it. That’s just probably how unskilled I am, though.

          Sombra’s ultimate is the deadly EMP, casting an enormous field around her that hacks all enemies and destroys any shields caught in the blast. It tears through any and all barriers, including Reinhardt’s shield, Winston’s protector, and any shields that may be on your health bar, making this ultimate a true terror for characters like Zarya and Zenyatta.

          As of this writing, if you know how to play Sombra she can be ridiculously overpowered, and it’s not unthinkable that she’ll be nerfed in some way in the near future. However, the hardest part of Sombra at the moment is getting to play as her. Quick Play character selection has been adjusted to Ranked rules, that being that only one of each hero is allowed on each team. While this prevents the teams of 6 people all playing Ana happening all over again, you need to be extremely quick to select Sombra before somebody else snatches her up. To ensure a game where you play as Sombra, you’ll need to play in the new No Limits mode, which operates exactly the same was as Quick Play used to.

          No Limits mode can be found in the all-new Arcade, the new home of the Brawl mode as well as other wacky gamemodes. At the moment, it looks like no new Brawls are being made, with all the old ones being thrown into a playlist for your amusement. The ever-popular Mystery Heroes brawl has become a permanent mode of its own, so if you’re like me and love playing that, it’s nice. As of this writing, however, I was unable to get into a game of Mystery Heroes, so I’m not sure if it’s up and running just yet. The holiday-exclusive brawls Lucioball and Junkenstien’s Revenge are absent, and if/when a Christmas event happens I assume that the brawl created for that will be included here as well.

          The real highlight of the Arcade is the all new Ecopoint: Antarctica Map, home to 1v1 and 3v3 duels. Antarctica is a smaller map made to accommodate up to 6 players at once, themed after the base where Mei was cryogenically frozen.

          1v1 and 3v3 are built on Deathmatch rules, with everyone getting one life and one life only. 1v1 gives both players the same random hero, and the first to 5 wins. 3v3 allows you to choose your hero after each match, and the first team to reach 3 wins claims victory. In all honesty, these modes are a quick and easy way to realize that you’re not very good at Overwatch. Because of the one-life-only rule, I often got killed quickly and easily and spectated the rest of the match. It’s fun for the first few times, but if you aren’t the type of person who’s the best at PvP combat, it wears thin kind of fast.

          Perhaps the best part of the Arcade is the new method of earning loot boxes. Each week, 3 loot boxes are offered, and you receive 1 for every 3 wins you get in the arcade. I’ve been critical of Overwatch’s random box method of receiving loot before, and this new method seems to be a really good compromise. While the loot boxes are still randomized, allowing players to get more of them by playing the game increases the chances of getting what you want.

          The new update to Overwatch has basically done nothing but continue to improve an already fantastic game, by adding a hero that’s sure to change the metagame, several new gamemodes for more variety, and even putting in a fix for the long brewing loot box problem. If I were to hazard a guess, I’d say next for Overwatch will be a Christmas event sometime next month, hopefully giving us a holiday themed skin for characters that haven’t gotten any new skins yet (Winston, Mei, Sombra). I’m also guessing that once the initial fervor has ended, Sombra will become easier to access in Quick and Ranked play, and as players stop expecting her to be a constant on every team her hacking abilities will become even more of a surprise. I look forward until then!

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