Saturday 26 November 2016

Magical Girl Raising Project Episode 9 Review

Mo’ dropouts, mo’ problems
(This review contains spoilers!)

          There’s something awfully poetic about seeing that bright pink splash screen that displays each episode’s title fade into a shot of exploding cars. Magical Girl Raising Project continues the threads started last week that suggest the end is nigh for our colourful crew, and only the strongest will survive from this point on.

          We pick up right where we left off last week, with Calamity Mary causing a ruckus to attract Ripple and Top Speed back to her. Much of the episode is focused on the ensuing fight, with the rest of it tying together the loose ends left behind from last week. Unfortunately, the fight between Mary and Ripple is a little less enjoyable than previous battles. I think it was animated a little differently, because there were some parts where the action would go into slow-mo without much reasoning, messing up the pacing of the battle.

          As for the ultimate result, I have to give myself a pat on the back for predicting not one, not two, but three things that happened this episode: both Calamity Mary and Top Speed were killed, and the reason behind Top Speed’s 6 months was that she was pregnant. The way they did it, however, was amazing. I’ve complained in the past about how Magical Girl Raising Project likes to telegraph who’s next on the chopping block a little too much, and although Top Speed is the latest victim of the flashback curse (we saw her home life last week, after all), there wasn’t a huge crazy fight scene she was destined to lose. She was stabbed in the back by Swim Swim, and that was that. Simple, yet effective.

          Speaking of Swim Swim, she continues to be an excellent villain. Her monotone expression as she continues to plot and murder her way through the competition is nothing short of terrifying, especially considering she’s still following orders of the same lady she performed a coup d’état on early in the series. This is also thanks to her voice actress, Inori Minase, who you may recognize as Rem from Re:Zero and Yuki from Gakkou Gurashi. She continues to be behind the most three dimensional and interesting characters in anime, and Swim Swim is no exception.

            I’m also happy that Snow White’s uselessness from the early episodes is being utilized in a great way! Now, her uselessness makes her a prime target for bloodthirsty magical girls, as we saw the Peaky Angel and Tama fail an assassination attempt on her. While you could still see this as a negative (the best part of her character is how vulnerable and useless she is), I’m just happy the main protagonist is doing main protagonist things instead of talking to her friend on a radio tower all night.

          In Fav’s words, more and more girls continued to “drop out” this week, because in addition to Calamity Mary and Top Speed, Winterprison’s death ultimately spelled the end for Sister Nana, who committed suicide. Frankly, I would’ve preferred to see her go out in a blaze of glory, preferably against Swim Swim, but this way was much more emotional in terms of the story. Nana was always a beacon of hope and light in the show, and now with her gone, things are sure to get a lot darker.

I guess I should predict who’s going to drop next. 7 girls remain of the initial 16, but aside from Snow White and Ripple, we haven’t seen much of the home life of the other 5, meaning that this one’ll be more of a shot in the dark. My gut is saying next will be either Swim Swim, Tama, or the last Peaky Angel. The episode ended with Swim Swim contemplating taking on Cranberry, but as we’ve seen before Cranberry is ruthless and more than a little overpowered. While the final shot suggests they may take another course of action, taking on Cranberry is sure to get one of them killed, and it’s likely to be whichever one gets a flashback next.

          The air of mystery surrounding what’s going to happen next as well as Fav deciding that 3 more girls need to die (he’s going to reduce the number to 1 in the end, mark my words) continue to ramp up the stakes as we approach what I assume to be the final 3 episodes of the show. But that’s all speculation. This week was another great installment in the series, as we lost three major players and continue down the path to ultimate destruction.



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