Saturday 19 November 2016

Magical Girl Raising Project Episode 8 Review

The beginning of the end
(This review contains spoilers!)

          At this point, I’m seriously confused as to how I started off my review of the first episode of Magical Girl Raising Project with “Attack of the cute”, because at this point the show is anything but.

          The number of magical girls was cut down from 12 to 10 this week, with the death of both Winterprison and the older of the two Peaky Angels in the first 10 minutes of the episode. As I predicted last week, Winterprison fell victim to the flashback curse, following in the footsteps of the 4 characters we’ve lost before this. The Peaky Angel death, on the other hand, was a first in that it came out of completely nowhere. 

          With this episode, the angel twins, Tama and Cranberry are the only characters we’ve yet to see the home lives of. Speaking of Cranberry, I did notice something a little bizarre this week that you had to be quick to catch. Before and after what I assume to be where the commercials would go, there are quick flashcards detailing the power of each magical girl and what they’re like in real life. This week we saw Cranberry’s card, but in place of what her human life is like we got a blurb about Fav. That’s very peculiar, but as Cranberry continues to be one of the least explored characters, one has to wonder if it’s going to go anywhere.

          After the opening bloodbath at Swim Swim’s place, much of this episode focused on Calamity Mary, detailing how she became a magical girl. In real life, she was an abusive alcoholic husband and mother, only becoming a magical girl after her family left. In direct contrast to this, we finally got a look at Top Speed’s home, which seems to be a very happy domestic life complete with a loving husband. I’m still convinced that the reason she maintains she’s fine with dying as long as it’s not before the next 6 months is due to her being pregnant, and this look at her life pretty much cemented that for me. But because of this, there’s no way she’s surviving to the end of the series, so I’m bracing myself for the worst.

          The real highlight this week was the result of last week’s proposed meeting between Calamity Mary and Ripple. Surprise, surprise, Calamity Mary’s out for blood, but after Top Speed allows Ripple to escape on her broom, Mary decides to lead them back to her rather than give chase. How does she do this, you ask? By blowing up cars all over the freeway, attracting the attention of basically all the other characters (save for Sister Nana, who I can only assume will return in a quest for Swim Swim’s head on a silver platter later on). The best part of this is that finally, finally Snow White is going to have something to do aside from mope and apparently be really cool off-screen! Plus with most of the other characters gathering in one place, I think next week we’ll see our first real showdown between all the remaining girls.

          Same as last week, I’ll be giving my predictions as to who’s next to kick the bucket. Right now, my money’s on either Calamity Mary or Top Speed next week. Top Speed is an easy guess considering the recurring flashback curse, and if Calamity Mary makes it out of this disaster alive, I’ll be shocked (plus, Mary has the flashback curse looming as well).

          As things continue to heat up for everyone and the number of characters continues to dwindle, Magical Girl Raising Project is continuing to prove it knows how to make a great thriller with excellent and memorable characters. Seriously, the last time I was able to remember the names of every single character in a show was Space Patrol Luluco from earlier this year. If that’s not a testament to how good these characters are, I don’t know what is.



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