Saturday 12 November 2016

Magical Girl Raising Project Episode 7 Review

(This review contains spoilers!)

          I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Magical Girl Raising Project’s greatest strength is its ensemble cast and how it uses it. Out of the 16 major characters (not including Fav), 12 remain, and each of them got a brief line in the episode…except poor Tama, who seems to still be reeling from the events of Episode 4. Given that she started the show as adorable and innocent, I’m fully expecting her to do something insane and terrifying later on before dying horribly.

          The main players this week were Calamity Mary and all-new magical girl Hardgore Alice. I’ve been pretty critical of the show’s treatment of Calamity Mary thus far, as the characters spoke of her in hushed whispers of this deadly magical girl who’s not to be crossed, but until now we’ve never really seen her in action. She went into combat with Hardgore Alice, who might I add is terrifying. Last week when she killed Magicaloid with her head missing turned out to only be the tip of the iceberg. Calamity Mary was able to reduce her to a gooey paste, blow up most of it, freeze the remains, and throw it into a river, and she still survived. That’s impressive, albeit a little overpowered.

          Speaking of the fight, finally seeing Mary in action against another character was exciting but at the same time a little disappointing. This is our first time seeing a character everyone seems to be afraid of in combat, and she spends the first part of the battle getting wrecked. I feel that if she had taken on Cranberry’s role from the past few episodes things would’ve been better, but then Cranberry would’ve had nothing to do. As usual, the fight scene was gorgeously animated, and the ultimate result was satisfying.

          The rest of the episode focused on Ripple and Snow White, as we saw Ripple’s home life (which means that she’s marked for death). Honestly, for a character we haven’t seen too much of yet, her origins were very grounded and relatable. Top Speed continued to insist she was fine with dying as long as it wasn’t within the next 6 months as well, but we still don’t have context. At this point I’m with the popular consensus that in the real world she’s pregnant, but it’s impossible to tell at this point.

          The only real downside to this episode is that it heavily relies on setting up what I imagine will happen next week. Snow White meets with Sister Nana, Winterprison, and Hardgore Alice to form an alliance together, and the episode concludes with Nana and Winterprison travelling to meet Swim Swim’s gang, although it was hinted that Swim Swim has some undoubtedly nasty surprise waiting for them. Ripple was also called for a meeting by Calamity Mary, who I assume is looking for a replacement for Magicaloid. At this point, lines are being drawn between the girls and factions are being built, but just as before, I assume one of these empires will fall.

          If I were to venture a guess as to who’s going to bite the dust next, I’d say either Sister Nana or Winterprison make the most sense story-wise to go next. Aside from Snow White and Ripple, they’re the only ones that we’ve seen the home life of extensively, and if the past examples of…literally each of the four characters who’ve died thus far, Magical Girl Raising Project can’t resist giving the characters a last hurrah of real-world life flashbacks before killing them. Nana and Winterprison shared a moment together before meeting with Snow White and Hardgore Alice, and it can be assumed that with them literally on Swim Swim’s doorstep at the end of the episode, the show might not have had time to fit it in next week.

          But that’s just my assumption. Maybe the next death will be a complete blindside, as that’s not really something we’ve seen yet with how telegraphed they’ve been. Nonetheless, I’m very much looking forward to see where all this is going.



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