Friday 18 November 2016

Steven Universe Review: “Gem Harvest”

A giving of thanks
(This review contains spoilers!)

          When you hear the words “Gem Harvest, a half-hour Steven Universe special” a lot of things can come to mind. The only half-hour special before this was Bismuth, arguably the best episode of Steven Universe save for Mr. Greg. The word harvest has also been used in the show before by Peridot in Catch and Release (“Oh my stars, you’re going to harvest me!?). But in all honesty, after episodes like Hit the Diamond and Last One Out of Beach City wound up having pretty down-to-earth plots, an episode about farming isn’t exactly a surprise.

          Peridot and Lapis have begun farming at the barn, just in time for Greg’s long lost cousin Andy shows up, demanding that they leave his family’s barn. So Steven, Greg and the Gems all try to win him over by cooking him a not-Thanksgiving dinner.

          Just getting this out of the way first and foremost, unless Andy returns in a future episode, Gem Harvest really has nothing to do with the overall plot. In fact, I’m not even sure why it’s a half hour special. I feel the exact same plot could be conveyed in the standard 11 minutes. So it’s not that. On the other hand, it is a fun episode with really good character interactions and a great lesson for kids behind it all.

          Gem Harvest never really takes itself too seriously until the end. A lot of the humour in the episode is in the Gems not understanding human tradition, similar to an early Season 1 episode. Peridot and Lapis continue to be the highlight of the show for me, as their dynamic has come a long way in just a few episodes. Their reaction to Lapis’ mirror joke at the dinner table compared to everyone else’s was downright hilarious.

          As for the new character, Andy, he’s a decent addition to the cast and is basically the crux of the plot for this episode, but I doubt I’ll be disappointed if we never see him again. He showed up, acted really angry for most of the episode, was on the receiving end of this episode’s lesson, gave Peridot and Lapis his blessing, and that was about it. He wasn’t super memorable or interesting, but I did like him for what he was.

          Again, Steven Universe proves that, in addition to already having a fantastic plot, it holds a lot of good lessons for kids. Gem Harvest pushes the point that trying to make everything stay the same and fighting against change will only make you upset, as we see with Andy. As someone who spent a lot of his life doing this exact thing, I feel that this is a really good lesson to teach kids.

          My one complaint with Gem Harvest is that there continues to be no elements of the overarching plot in the show. While on its own this episode is good, after nearly 8 episodes with little to no update or additions to the overall story of the series, I’m starting to get a little frustrated.

But in all honesty, that’s criticizing the episode for what it isn’t rather than for what it is, and for what it is, it’s a good watch and an episode I don’t recommend skipping. Gem Harvest will get you in the Thanksgiving mood, and remind you that sometimes spending time with family is the best thing you can do.



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