Sunday 10 September 2017

Re:Creators Episode 21 Review

To be expected
(This review contains spoilers!)

          When you’ve written yourself into a corner creating an unstoppable force of pure destruction that your characters must defeat, there always must be a weakness the heroes can exploit so they win in the end. While Altair has been built up as an absolute unstoppable beast (to the point that it got ridiculous), this week her weakness was explained to us in typical Re:Creators fashion: a really long and uninteresting bit of exposition.

          I mean, we all knew it was coming to this, right? After demonstrating that Altair was laughably broken in the last few episodes, it became obvious that Sota’s secret contribution to the story would be her undoing, and it being Setsuna back from the dead was blatant from the moment he said he wanted to do it. I just wish it resulted in something better than an entire episode’s worth of Sota and Altair confessing their love to a character we barely know.

          In the end, it all comes across as a cheap attempt to get the viewer to feel something. Altair and Sota both have big tearjerker moments as they acknowledge their creator and creation respectively, and it’s all very sappy and dramatic. But how much better would it have been to have Sota himself be the one to stop Altair in the end?

          Think about it. Sota is essentially the main character here. He’s the one who introduced the story, is basically considered as important as the main creations, and aside from Meteora is the only character to have a major role in both halves of the anime. While I guess technically he’s the one who finished her off in the end, it was only by extension. It would’ve been much more interesting to see Altair learn compassion for this world by seeing someone who misses Setsuna as much as she does instead of essentially bringing her back to life.

          So the day is saved, and I felt absolutely nothing about it. Next week I’ll have a full final thoughts on what went wrong with this anime as well as what I liked (trust me, there’s a lot on both sides), but this episode is a cheap and crappy way to end Altair’s story.



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