Saturday 2 September 2017

CanadianYeti Reviews Fall Update


          It’s that time of year again, as schools are re-opening and the leaves begin to change. And with that, it’s time for another seasonal update! Here’s some of the things you can expect on the blog in in the last few months as we wind down 2017.

What’s staying the same?

Monday editorial: As always, this isn’t going anywhere. This Monday’s editorial is already finished, and it talks about the big SNES Classic mishap of the last few weeks. It’s one of my personal favourites I’ve written in a while, and I hope you check it out!

Game reviews: We’re approaching the lucrative holiday season, and that means it’s time for the annual November Warfare showdown between all the publishers. While I can’t guarantee I’ll be reviewing any of those games right now (except Super Mario Odyssey), I will say that I’m currently working on a Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle review that should be up sometime over the next few weeks.

Movie reviews: Just as last time, since I don’t really go see that many movies aside from the big name ones I’m really interested in, I can’t guarantee that many movie reviews. That being said, I can definitely promise a Thor: Ragnarok review and a Star Wars: The Last Jedi review on their release weekend at the absolute latest. I’ve also come up with a new way to talk about movies I’m not reviewing, but I’ll get back to that in a second.

TV Reviews: Timeless, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and Steven Universe reviews will all remain on hiatus alongside their shows. From what I’ve heard we’ll have S.H.I.E.L.D back on our TV screens before the year is done, Timeless is gone until next year, and Steven Universe is anyone’s guess, but rest assured when they come back I’ll be right here waiting for them.

Star Wars Wednesday: The Last Jedi is drawing closer and closer, and as such I’ve got a lot planned for this series in the Fall. For starters, this week we’ll be looking at some awesome old concept art by franchise legend Ralph McQuarrie and seeing how they helped create the galaxy we know today. I’ve also got planned some great stuff as we near December, including a few holiday-themed articles, a definitive newcomer’s guide to watching the Star Wars movies, and, of course, a massive The Last Jedi spoiler discussion. I hope you look forward to it!

What’s changing?

Anime reviews

Re:Creators reviews: This show only has a few episodes left in it, and despite my recent misgivings with its direction I’m in this ride to the bitter end. As you might’ve noticed I review it on Sunday alongside Princess Principal now instead of on its release date of Saturday, but that’s mostly for convenience on my part.

Princess Principal reviews: As of right now the jury’s still out on whether this will be a 12-episode show or more, but I’ll keep on reviewing it regardless. I’ve been loving this anime so far, and if you haven’t checked it out yet I highly recommend it.

Fall anime reviews: There wasn’t too much in this season that interested me this year, but I’ve still picked out a few shows to check out. As always there’s no guarantee if I’ll stick with it past (or even make it through) the first episode, but here’s hoping we’ll find another hidden gem buried beneath the second and third seasons of the popular stuff.

What’s new?

The Orville reviews: This Star Trek-esque comedy from Seth McFarlane caught my eye when it was first announced, and with it premiering just over a week from today I’m really looking forward to diving in. Again, there’s no guarantee I’ll continue after Episode 1 if it turns out to be garbage, but I’ve got my fingers crossed.

Inhumans reviews: This show is definitely poised to be an interesting one, to say the least. Everything I’ve heard from fans, the press and even subtle hints from Marvel themselves (by pushing S.H.I.E.L.D’s return up from January to right after Inhumans ends) warns that this show is gonna be a rough time, but I’ve also heard a few people say that it’s enjoyable enough. Whatever the case, here I’m pledging to stick with this one to the bitter end, awful or not. It might be tough, but I’m going into it with expectations so low I didn’t even know they were possible.

Star Wars Rebels reviews: I caught up with this animated series over the summer, and although this has already been confirmed to be the last season, I’ll be giving my thoughts on each episode as they air. Since Disney XD has been kind of inconsistent with me in the past I can’t guarantee reviews will be up the morning after the episode airs like they do with most of the other shows I review, but I’ll try my best.

CanadianYeti’s Chill Chat: In the Summer Update I said I was going to be doing a big new series called “CanadianYeti Seasonal Specials” where every few months I’d do a miniseries on a certain topic. That fell through the cracks pretty quickly after publishing for two big reasons. One: I never got around to watching Stranger Things like I promised for the first miniseries (I’ll watch it eventually, I promise), and Two: I didn’t have any ideas for an eight-part miniseries after that that didn’t involve a Netflix show or something worth coming back to read more of every week.

          So here’s my solution: “CanadianYeti’s Chill Chat”. It’s the same principle as the Seasonal Specials would be, but a lot more flexible for me as a writer and a lot more convenient for you as a reader. The basic premise for this is that if I have something I want to talk about that won’t fit into the Monday editorial, Star Wars Wednesday or any of my reviews, I’ll talk about it here. It won’t be on a specific schedule for the time being, I’ll just make one when I feel like talking about something.

          For example, one of the first ones I’ll be doing is Rick and Morty Season 3. I chose not to review this show because I wanted to have at least one show I don’t have to watch with my critical eye constantly on, but I still want to talk about it when the season is over. This way I can do that. I’ll also use this format to talk about movies I watch first on DVD instead of in theatres, other shows I enjoy that I can’t or won’t review like Survivor or DuckTales, Top 10 lists, or literally anything else. It gives me a lot more freedom, and I hope you look forward to it.

          So that should tide us over until the New Year. Thank you all for reading my blog, and I can’t wait to give you more fun stuff over the next few months.

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