Sunday 17 September 2017

Princess Principal Episode 11 Review

The Princess Trap
(This review contains spoilers!)

          As Princess Principal begins winding down and approaching its finale, the series has finally decided to drop its kind of annoying out-of-order narrative to create what looks to be a fantastic three part finale.

          Picking up right where last week left off, Ange and Dorothy have been given orders to assassinate Princess. The two are obviously none too happy about this, but things get even worse as the organization is restructured right under their noses and their friends are all displaced. Chise is reassigned to a new school, Dorothy is cornered by someone mysterious in the early moments of the episode and doesn’t appear again (considering we never see the body it’s fairly obvious she’ll be back), and Beatrice is…just kinda not there this week. Oh well.

          With most of the rest of the cast missing or decommissioned, this leaves Ange and Princess the primary stars of the episode. Ange takes the biggest role, as we finally get more of an insight to her psyche and what her breaking point is. For how great a character she is, she’s often just been used as either the ultimate spy heroine or the comic relief, which makes it even more of a treat when she gets a much deserved starring role.

          Ange and Princess think up a plan to escape the new team of evil spies assigned to ensure the assassination takes place, and a whole manner of switcheroos begin. Ange is Princess, Princess is Ange, and so on and so forth. Obviously the assassination takes place, but the way the episode ends is interesting.

          Upon learning the truth, Princess leaves Ange on a blimp bound for Casablanca, and then returns to the team of evil spies posing as Ange dressed as Princess. “Ange” is then introduced to the lead of the royal guard as the real Princess Charlotte, meaning they know about the switch when they were kids.

          What’s really interesting here is that they don’t give away whether that really is Princess pretending to be Ange or if it’s the real Ange. Judging by the way the episode ended I’m guessing it’s the first option, but it’d be an interesting surprise to see them go the other way.

          Like most penultimate anime episodes, this episode only really serves to set up what’s going to go down in the finale. The whereabouts of Ange the other girls are a mystery, as is the identity of Princess/Ange at the end. Despite this, it’s yet another stellar episode in an incredibly good series. Princess and Ange still have the best chemistry of anyone in the show, and it’s good to see more of the lead character as we approach the end.



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