Sunday 3 September 2017

Princess Principal Episode 9 Review

The Ten Duel Commandments
(This review contains spoilers!)

          I definitely think that Chise is the best example of character growth we’ve seen from Princess Principal thus far. While we’ve certainly gotten to know the other four far better than we did at the show’s beginning, Chise’s had a pretty big and strong arc throughout, growing from the Japanese outsider to a full-fledged member of the team.

          This episode is centered squarely on Chise, with the rest of the girls only making small appearances here and there. I think it’s set sometime recently after she was picked up and joined the team, but I can’t be sure. The out-of-order episodes are honestly the only real major gripe I have with this show, as sometimes it can be kind of confusing to pinpoint which episode takes place when. It’s also weird to have the last episode end with the girls hot on the Duke’s tail and then all of a sudden changing gears to a schoolyard rumble.

          Overall there wasn’t much going on this week. It was more or less Chise learning about Western customs through getting in a duel with some random jocks. There were quite a few funny moments, like Princess destroying the school’s popular girl with a well-placed burn (not literally), but overall I feel this episode needed a bit more of the spy stuff added in. Towards the end Ange even says that they used the duel as a distraction to get the mission done. Why couldn’t we have seen some of that? It would’ve been awesome to see them do their spy work inside the school!

          Despite this, this episode is still fun and enjoyable, albeit not one of the better ones. Chise is a great character to follow, and her character growth is great. It is kind of a shame we’ve left the plot so suddenly though, and ultimately this episode lacks the impact the laundromat episode or the Dorothy’s father episode had.



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