Saturday 11 February 2017

Steven Universe Review: “The New Crystal Gems”

Go Go Crystal Temps
(This review contains spoilers!)

          Peridot and Lapis have somewhat unfairly been shifted to the sidelines since the Barn arc ended, with them only really returning for an episode here and there. Lapis especially has suffered from this, as she has had very little character development outside of Same Old World and Barn Mates, more or less acting like the stereotypical “edgy” character that doesn’t really want to go along with the crazy plans of the other characters.

          This is why I was hoping The New Crystal Gems would propel their storylines forward in some way. Peridot is such a great character that we haven’t seen much of lately, and it’s always nice to have an episode focused on her.

          Unfortunately, this episode, much like the job our heroes spend the episode doing, is a wash.

          Connie, Lapis and Peridot (and Pumpkin) all decide to act as the Crystal Gems while the others were off at the Zoo, protecting Beach City from danger. Sadly, the most danger they face is a long line at Greg’s car wash. How cool would it have been to have a corrupted gem show up in Beach City while the main group was off planet? We really haven’t seen much of Lapis and Peridot using their powers for combat aside from a few very brief instances, and this would’ve been the perfect place to have Peridot be poofed and reform in a Crystal Gem outfit!

          Instead, the entire episode is just the three of them fighting over how to wash cars. That’s it. There’s a decent message for kids (“always be yourself instead of trying to be someone else), but really nothing else in terms of story, character development or even humour.

          So what’s the big reveal at the end of the episode? Peridot and Lapis made Greg a new car wash sign. I guess it’ll add some nice continuity later on, but it doesn’t feel worth the 11 minutes we spent listening to the characters fight. Again, a corrupted gem destroying the sign would’ve made this whole episode so much better.

          While it’s always great to have an episode with Peridot (who’s still my favourite character) and Lapis, The New Crystal Gems felt like a massive waste of potential. Trapping the characters at the car wash instead of actually going out and doing things was a colossal mistake, and it ended up creating a story that ultimately didn’t matter. Maybe I wouldn’t have cared if it wasn’t those two specifically, but honestly, they deserve better.


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