Wednesday 1 February 2017

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Review: “Hot Potato Soup”

Here come the Koenigs
(This review contains spoilers!)

          You know, I always wondered what happened to the Koenigs. A fairly common sight in Season 1 and the first half of Season 2, the characters basically dropped off the face of the Earth after that, with barely even a mention of what was going on with them.

          Fast forward to this episode, and the Koenigs are back in full force, played once again by the one and only Patton Oswalt. It’s only fitting they return during this storyline, as the Koenigs were long rumoured to be the first LMDs in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, given that they all look alike. I will say that this episode finally gives a definitive answer to the question, but just what they are is something you’ll have to watch the episode to learn for yourself.

          It didn’t take long for us to learn who the “Superior” Nadeer talked about last week was. We met him early on in the episode, and it turns out he’s…just some buff Russian guy. Huh.

          This was easily the biggest disappointment of the episode for me. While the Superior wasn’t built up as this super-awesome villain who was going to give our heroes a run for their money or anything, I was expecting a little more than yet another evil guy who hates inhumans for sinister reasons. We’ve had several characters like him on the show in the past, and he really doesn’t stand out among them. The ending of the episode makes me feel like this episode is mostly setting him up for later, but I’ll get back to that.

          Most of this episode is focused on the Darkhold and where it is. After Aida broke into the base at the start of this arc Coulson gave the book to Billy Koenig, who hid it in a secret base. Now Billy has been captured by Radcliffe and the Superior and the mission is to figure out exactly what he did with the book and how to get it before Radcliffe does.

          The return of the Koenigs is easily the best part of the episode, introducing us to new ones including a slam-poetry Koenig and their awesome big sister JT. Of course with Patton Oswalt on board this episode had some of the funniest moments all season, especially the scene with Sam Koenig telling Daisy about the fanfiction about her online, including her being paired with Black Widow. There were a lot of fantastic one-liners sprinkled throughout (“What do you mean, ‘my brother’? I’ve never seen this guy in my life!”), and honestly it made me wish that we could have these characters around more often like we did back in the day.

          While all this is happening, Fitz, Simmons and Mack are back at home base interrogating the Radcliffe LMD for information. After a lot of deliberation about Fitz’s daddy issues, they’re able to learn that the LMDs have programmed brains of their own, leading Simmons to put 2 and 2 together and figure out that May has been an LMD all this time. I did enjoy learning more about Fitz’s past, considering it’s something that hasn’t really been explored in previous episodes, but I do wish we had seen more of it. It kind of felt like Radcliffe brought up Fitz’s dad, he got upset about it, but after taking a breather he was fine again. Something tells me that this is a storyline that will be coming back into play later on, however, considering the attention it got this week. Maybe Fitz’s dad will be involved with the Watchdogs or Senator Nadeer?

          Anyways, them learning about LMD May leads me into the next scene, and it’s kind of a weird one: Coulson and May’s first kiss…er, sort of. Technically it was the LMD May, so I don’t know if that counts. This brings up something that’s been going on the entire LMD storyline but I’ve never felt it important enough to bring up until now: the Coulson/May romance that’s blossomed out of nowhere. Don’t get me wrong, I feel it’s worked for the storyline, especially as that’s not the real May. I just don’t think it makes any sense in the overall storyline of the characters. They haven’t had any romance with each other before this season. Hell, they’ve had relationships with other people over the course of this show! Considering the large “Phillinda” fanbase that seems to have sprung up, I worry the showrunners are putting this in as a way to pander to the fans. Maybe it’s just me, but I dunno.

          So LMD May is able to trick Coulson and get the Darkhold from him, and Radcliffe runs off with it. I imagine we’re reaching the end of the LMD storyline, as there’s apparently going to be a third arc this season and this feels like we’re approaching the final battle with Radcliffe. The episode ends with all the Koenigs reunited, LMD May being locked up, and an interesting scene with Radcliffe and the Superior. The Superior brings out a bunch of photos of Coulson, saying that whenever there’s an alien invasion or something similar, he’s always there watching, and he wants to know more about him. It’s not made clear how he knows about Coulson (especially considering some of his photos are from classified S.H.I.E.L.D sites, such as where Mjolnir crashed down in Thor), but this is a very interesting setup.

          Hot Potato Soup is a lot of fun. Most of that comes from the fantastic return of the Koenigs, but the storyline with the team chasing after the siblings and trying to find the Darkhold is engaging and entertaining all the same. The storyline with Fitz at home base is great as well, giving us new information for a character we’ve spent years with. I do wish the Superior was more of an interesting and unique villain and the Coulson/May kiss did feel a little forced, but the episode was good enough to overlook those flaws and just have a good time.



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