Monday 13 February 2017

Little Witch Academia Episode 6 Review

Party time
(This review contains spoilers!)

          If there’s anything that Little Witch Academia has done successfully over the last few weeks, it’s creating a wonderful world of magic and secrets surrounding Luna Nova. The world of this show truly feels like one steeped in lore and history, and it continues to grow by the episode.

          This one is no different, introducing us to the Earl of Hanbridge, owner of the land Luna Nova stands on, as well as his son Andrew. Neither of them are too interested in magic, and, echoing the sentiments of the dragon from last week, believe it is an old practice on its way out.

          Meanwhile, Akko isn’t being allowed to attend the party welcoming the Earl because she’s yet to perfect a simple transformation spell. Instead of turning a mouse into a bunny, she gives herself bunny ears every time. Believing there’s no hope for her outside of divine intervention, she goes out hunting for the Fountain of Polaris, which supposedly awakens magical powers in witches who seem to be lacking.

          Of course, she bumps into Andrew and decides to convince him that magic isn’t worthless after all, taking him to the Fountain with her. What follows is an episode equally as delightful as the broom race in Episode 3, but much more subdued.

          There’s a fun action sequence involving a giant polar bear, but the really interesting part of the episode is when Akko arrives at the fountain itself. Instead of being magically granted powers, she is given visions of the last person who visited it: Shiny Chariot. In a wonderful scene told without any words, we see Chariot going through the same problems at Luna Nova as Akko before discovering her true calling as a magical entertainer, then enhancing her power at the Fountain to become the Chariot Akko adores.

          Shiny Chariot and how she’s seen in the witching community has always been a fantastic part of the Little Witch Academia franchise for me. I love that Akko (and a certain other student I won’t spoil for those who haven’t watched the originals) is the only person in the entire school that looks up to her, with the rest seeing her as a complete joke and even a mockery of the magical arts. It’s yet another wonderful addition to this world, and creates a large roadblock for Akko’s character, as she has to consider exactly what kind of witch she wants to be.

          As I mentioned before, one of the main parts of the episode was a continuation of last week, with people outside of Luna Nova considering it to be a dying school, and when it goes the rest of magic will go with it. I’m guessing that this will be the main overarching theme for at least the next few episodes, and Akko and friends will have to prove everyone wrong.

          As for new character Andrew, when I first spied him in the opening I had my doubts. As the first major human male character in the entire franchise, I was worried he’d just be this posh guy who’d act as a love interest for Akko. While he does have a superiority complex, this episode is the perfect way to set up his character. Instead of having a few episodes of him acting all high and mighty before he changes his ways, the showrunners dig right into his development, turning him from an unlikeable and boring character to one you want to see more of in just 22 minutes. While I don’t think he’ll appear as often as, say, Amanda, I look forward to his inevitable return.

          This episode was more of a quiet affair than some of the others before it, but that didn’t stop it from being one of the best we’ve seen thus far. Everything from the animation to the story to the characters to the music was absolutely on point this week, continuing to prove Little Witch Academia as the most delightful show airing right now.



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